Dear Kindergarten families, This week look for the Young Explorer magazine in your child’s homework folder. This is their first magazine, we read it in class, now it is time keep at home. Continue to read for more information. In addition to the hard copy you may be interested in the digital magazine for October. […]
Kindergarten, First & Second Grade students, their families, and teachers are preparing for this year’s longstanding Sacred Heart School tradition. With each student dressed as a saint, the kinder, first, and second grade students will enter the church with the priest and altar servers and sit in the first pews throughout the Mass. As Mass […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. This week is going to heat up again, we will need to hydrate often! Please send plenty of water for your child. A little more than two weeks until the Saint’s Parade! Please begin or continue with costume preparations. Remember to have your little ‘saint’ test our […]
Kindergarten students know that prayer is talking to God. We talk to Him daily in prayer and we add our personal intentions. As a class we discussed then listed some of our prayers. Please click ‘continue reading’ and take a look.
Dear Kindergarten Families, In your child’s homework folder use the book response to discuss and review/retell a story. It can be their library book or a favorite book from home. Read nightly, study the pictures and look for clues on each page as you read together. Our new sort is Animals and Plants. Work with […]
Over the weekend and next week, find time and a cozy spot to continue reading with your child. Do the book response on a favorite story or your child’s library book. Taking into consideration the winds and possible power outages, I’m going to take a break from IXL this week. Instead if you find time, […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Tuesday look for the Family envelope and your child’s mid progress report. Please review and sign; return by Monday, October 14. Monday is vision screening. Picture re-take is on Wednesday. Fall days are here! Weather being cooler, warm and dry is bringing some dryness and the need for chap stick. I am […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We visit the library on Thursday each week. This week we checked out two books, one for home, and one for class. Use the library book and read with your child. Do the simple book response found in your child’s homework folder. In order to check out another book next week, please […]
Our first Primary Centers! Students in Kinder, First and Second grades enjoyed creating these three crafts: a large apple core, a carefully painted autumn tree, and an apple representing the Holy Trinity. All students worked together and helped their friends. They listened and followed directions to create this beautiful work. We want to express our […]
Hello Kindergarten Families! Feels as Autumn is here. Hoping all enjoyed a cooler weekend. Field trip to UC Hansen Farm is on Thursday. Be sure to ask your child all about it! We enjoyed our first Primary Centers activity and want to thank all who were able to help in class. Look for the beautiful […]