Dear Kindergarten Parents, Our last ten days of school! It is close-but not over yet, we still have work to do to finish this year. Amazing! How quickly this year went by… your children will be going to first grade in August. This Friday is move-up day. Which means part of the day we will […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, It is amazing that June is already here. This year went by so fast, but we are not finished yet! We still have much to do as we complete this school year. Your children are doing a wonderful job! I am very proud of their growth and success in kindergarten. Our religion […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week you will find two math papers and the reading log for homework. Websites to expand learning-a new one for everyday sight word practice. Reading Log math worksheets websites: Roy the Zebra (days/months/colors/number word practice) Concentration (select 1-10) Otka’s Rescue (counting / hand-eye coordination) Picture Match (select short vowel /u/) enjoy […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, I hope all enjoyed time together with family and friends over the 4-day weekend while observing Memorial Day. As we venture on with the last week of May, religion lessons center on Mary, our Blessed Mother. Habits of prayer are best learned by praying with family and others as we do in […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Reading expands language skills, builds vocabulary, fluency and your child’s attention span. The Screen Actors Guild Foundation has created ‘Storyline Online’, where actors read aloud children’s books. Stories are animated and well read! You and your child will enjoy listening to these favorite children’s story books. click on Storyline to reach this […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Thank all of you who helped in various ways to make our Jog-a-thon a success! It was a fun day that all enjoyed. Today we have an on campus outreach field trip Animals of the Rain Forest. I am sure your children will enjoy and have lots to say about this program. […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week continue to read nightly. As you read together look for sight words, help segment / blend unfamiliar words along with asking questions for comprehension. It is a good idea to re-check sight words from previous lists, next week I’ll send home a complete list of all 15 packets. Reading log […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope all moms enjoyed their day with family! This week our religion lesson follows the special seasons and days from the Liturgical Calendar. This coming Sunday is Pentecost, in class we will celebrate the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ gift to us. Click on Holy Spirit for a prayer we will be praying […]
This Sunday’s Mass will celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. Last week during our religion lesson we read about Jesus going home again. We acted out how his disciples felt when they saw Jesus lift his arms and ascend in the sky. As he moved upward a cloud covered him. Your students were moved by […]
Dear Kindergarten families, In the red folder you will find a non-fiction booklet your child has read and started to color. Read together the Ladybug Life Cycle and notice I added it to the reading log. Worksheets include a sight word coloring paper and two challenge math papers. Homework is due next Thursday, May 16. […]