Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Kindergarten students are very excited. We are going on our first field trip! A walk to our neighborhood Fire Station escorted by Fireman Hoffman. Permission slips must be returned by Monday, November 21 in order for your child to attend. Thank you for reading the website and finding the links […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Hopefully all families received an email regarding homework. all homework is online this week! I would enjoy feedback in the comments area below this post. It is a holiday weekend, written homework is only two pages. One cut, trace and paste sight word sentence practice and an American flag coloring page for […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Your children sure did a great job on Friday’s Saints Parade! I’m sure all families are very proud. This week we will attend Mass on Thursday, as Veterans Day is on Friday. This week our religion focus is on prayer. We will learn that prayer includes both listening and responding to God. […]
Kindergarten Families, Your children have been telling me they like using the computer for homework! A good thing to hear and the written work is impressive as well. The book reports are illustrated nicely, easy to see they understand the basic components of the book. This week have your child read a story online by […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Here we are at the end of October! It is hard to believe your students have been in school over 50 days. I have decided rest time-heads down on towels has reached an ending point. We are resting a different way, I divide the rest time into two 15 minutes sections. We […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We had a busy week! Olivia celebrated her birthday on Monday. We are all set with whom your child will portray in the Saint’s Parade. Parade is next Friday, November 4 at 8:30. Please come with your camera to see and capture this annual event. If you are struggling with costumes, I […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week’s homework consists of 2 worksheets and a reading log. Chapter 2 in Math has us working with patterns. Please assist your child (if needed) with the “Patterns That Are the Same”. Phonemic Awareness: /m/ is a paper from our practice reading/phonics book. Read directions to your child at the bottom […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, It is hard to believe we have been in school over 40 days! This week’s events include: Vision screening on Monday, Wednesday is a very special day as we will Pray the Rosary. Middle school students will form a “Living Rosary” around the church leading us in prayer. If you can join […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Happy Monday! A busy week this will be: Wednesday is a free dress for cancer–wear blue or pink please bring in a $1.oo donation. A special school Mass for Mrs. Dwyer Primary Centers after Mass Noon dismissal As I have mentioned, please be thinking of whom your child will represent for the […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Here we are in a new month. I hope all families have been thinking which saint your ‘little saint’ will represent. We will be discussing many saints in class and reading to understand how they helped people spreading God’s love and faith. Progress Reports coming home today! Please review, sign and return by […]