Thank you for getting your children ready for the poetry contest. The poems are all good and they are enjoying reciting in class. Over the weekend continue to practice at home. Next week we will compete in class. Five students will be selected for judging on April 9. Read together each night find sight words […]
Dearest Second Grade Families, Hello sunshine! What a pleasure it has been to get a break from the rain and run out on that green grass. I hope everyone is enjoying these longer evenings outside. In class, we continue to do our best and make the most of our time together. Below is a peek […]
Third grade families, We are working hard and steady in third grade as we enjoy our final months together! As a reminder, please continue to work with your children on memorizing those poems for the speech contest. We will have our in class contest the week of April 1st. For service hours, I will be […]
Dear Fourth Grade Families, Here’s our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are still working on Unit 7 this week. This week we work on more fractions and probability. ELA: -Writing: We are working hard on our informative writing unit! We are in the process of moving from our first chapter to our second chapter in […]
Homework Fluency Homework Math Test on Tuesday Practice memorizing poem MATH IXL F.3 and O.2 Fluency No Reading Log, READ FOR FUN New Spelling Words for all: Spelling Test will be on Friday. Note From Mrs. Vazquez: Hello- Today we have the RAYS program. Be on the look out for a mealworm coming home today. […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Here we go the last week of March! In honor of Dr. Seuss we have spent more time in reading groups, listening to stories, working on rhymes, and noting story components to promote comprehension. Read Across America is finishing up for March…. this does not mean we stop reading!! Continue with nightly […]
Dear Families, This Wednesday is a Free Dress for $1.00. The theme is Hobby Day. This Friday is a full day of school with a 2:45 dismissal. Looking ahead there is no school on Holy Thursday. Below please see an overview of our week. Math: We are going to be reviewing the use of parentheses. […]
During Lent the 8th grade class leads the school in weekly Stations of the Cross. The whole class participates and does an amazing job walking the Passion of Christ and reflecting on how to get closer to Him during Lent. Please join us if you can. Check our school calendar for Friday times!
This week Kindergarten enjoyed skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s on the calculators. We used ten frames to find sums to 10 and teen numbers.
The 6th grade class is wrapping up their study of the amazing Ancient Egyptians. We learned about their daily life, the Nile River, and the gods. Next up we are traveling to Greece!