The 6th grade is finished with their study of Ancient China. We learned about the geography, dynasties, and accomplishments of the ancient Chinese people. To complete our studies the students created Buncees on many different topics and compiled collages with all they learned. Next stop Ancient Egypt!
Dear Fourth Grade Families, Here’s our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are wrapping up Unit 6 as we spend our final days reviewing division and reading grids. Our test will be on Friday. ELA: -Reading: We are continuing our Reading Responses. Remember nightly homework is to read 20-30 minutes! In class we are working on researching […]
Homework Fluency Homework will not be due until next week on Thursday No Math IXL…Study for Math test on Friday Language IXL W.1 Reading Log Practice Sight word booklet daily New Spelling Words except for Sort 15: Spelling test will be Monday Note From Mrs. Vazquez: We have our school fair on Wednesdays! Come look […]
Third grade families, I hope you had a relaxing President’s weekend. A shorter week but filled with so much good stuff! Important dates: Wednesday, February 20th is our SHS school fair! We have had so much fun putting together our biography projects and we cannot wait for you all to come by and witness our hard […]
Hello Second Grade Families! Mark your calendars for Wednesday night’s School Fair in the Hall. Our class has been working hard in the garden and we are eager to share the fruits of our labor. The doors will be open from 6:00-7:15. See you there! In class this week… Math: This week’s focus remains on […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the 3-day weekend. This shorten week comes with an exciting evening….you won’t want to miss it! Events this week: Our School Fair is on Wednesday evening at 6:00. Please come and see all the amazing efforts your child and our school has been working on! Friday is a […]
One of the religion standards for Kindergarten children is to be able to explain forgiveness. Your children wrote about being sorry and asking to be forgiven. Look at their beautiful work!
Read each night, use the book response to retell a favorite book. Car Tally paper – look at home, neighborhood or a parking log and record with tally marks the most popular car color. Cut words/pictures sorts. Work with your child on beginning sounds – glue last weeks sorts on a paper or in spiral […]
The 7th grade class is finishing their study of Jesus’s parables. They read many different parables and discussed the lessons in each one. We are working on spreading God’s message and improving our everyday life.
Dear Fourth Grade Families, Here’s our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working on using half-circle protractors and coordinate grids! ELA: -Reading: We are continuing our Reading Responses. Remember nightly homework is to read 20-30 minutes! In class we are working on researching a topic – Our missions! -Vocabulary: We are on our first week […]