Third grade families, I am so delighted with all the beautiful and hard work we have done! With progress reports approaching, I would like to begin meeting with families to set some academic plans and goals for this year! Please keep a look out for an email from me regarding conference scheduling. Important Dates: […]
The tweet for today is all about being a blessing to someone. Today the fifth grade class reflected on how to be a blessing to someone. Students shared examples of being nice to others and helping others out when they need help.
Hello Second Grade Families, This week we will have our first emergency practice drill. You have already received an e-mail from the Office notifying you of the date and time. Right before and immediately after, you will receive another set of e-mails. Please take some time this week to discuss with your son/daughter what to […]
During our school wide family mass on Friday September 14 we celebrated the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. In class the 7th grade discussed the meaning of Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross and what it means for us in our daily lives. We are also studying the Eastern Roman Empire. Emperor Justinian had […]
FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: We will be adding to our homework this week. I will be sending home their words or picture words to practice at home. Please look in their homework folder for the information. They will be taking their first spelling test on Friday. I will begin meeting with parents […]
Dear Families, Here is our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are continuing to work from Unit 2! This week we begin by focusing on addition of multidigit numbers and end our week be learning about subtraction of multidigits. ELA: -Writing: We are continuing our realistic fiction writing. This week we are really focusing on how […]
Dear Families, This Friday is a full day of school with a 2:45 dismissal. Please help the students remember to bring their instruments to school on Mondays and Wednesdays for Music class. Below please see an overview of our week: Religion: Confirmation Is the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit. Vocabulary: We will be taking our […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Here we are the beginning of Fall as September comes to its last week! Time certainly does fly by when you are having fun! We are moving along at a nice pace in kindergarten. Monday morning is vision screening — Tuesday morning will be our first Art lesson with Miss Spooner. Friday […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, This week look for a National Geographic Young Explorer Magazine in your child’s red homework folder. This is theirs to keep at home. There is a worksheet that follows one of the articles. Please read the magazine and do this paper with your child. Some children checked out 2 library books and […]
This week in fourth grade we are discussing eternal life. We know that God offers us eternal life with Him in heaven, but it is our job to do our best to follow Jesus’ way here on Earth. In the beginning of the week we focused on one way we can follow Jesus – “Identify […]