This week in religion class we are discussing God’s message to us all. Although we have just begun our discussion of the Old and New Testaments, we have already come to the realization that throughout our sacred scripture God is telling us that He loves us. Today we created our first religion bulletin board: God’s […]
The fifth grade class has been learning all about the different Seasons of the Church. We made an illustration of the different Seasons including Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.
FIRST GRADE NEWSLETTER NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: I hope you had a wonderful three day weekend! We will have a fun filled week with lots of fun ways of learning and Grandparents day on Friday. HOMEWORK Kids have been doing great returning their planner daily. Your child is learning to neatly write their assignments in […]
Dear Families, Here is our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are continuing to work from Unit 1: Naming and Constructing Geometric Figures. This week we are focusing on constructing circles as we wrap up our unit. We hope to take our test by the end of the week. ELA: -Writing: We are continuing our […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. This Wednesday is Picture Day! Friday is Grandparents Day. Please join us for Mass at 8:30. Friday is also a noon dismissal. Please email me if you have any questions. Below please see an overview of our week. Math: This week I am introducing factor strings […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and was able to rest up as we have busy days ahead. Below are some highlights for the week: Math: We continue to make our way through Unit 1: Numbers & Routines. This is largely a review unit focusing mostly on […]
I hope you enjoyed your long Labor Day weekend! Although it is a short week, we have a lot planned. A few important dates for this week: Say cheese…Wednesday, 9/5 is picture day! Picture forms were sent home in homework folders last week. As a reminder, make sure to take a look at them, fill […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the Labor Day weekend with family and friends. This week is an exciting one – we will be getting ready for Grandparents and Special Friends Day on Friday. It is important for Kindergarten children to have grandparents or someone special represent them on this day. If their schedule […]
In September, we begin an in-depth study of Mass. As a class and a school we attend Friday Mass. We pray together, learn about Jesus, grow closer to Him, and remember the sacrifice He made to save us from our sins. Your children will learn the parts of Mass including the Liturgy of the Word […]
The 8th grade class begins their study of the Sunday Gospels with an in depth look at the 4 Gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Using our Catholic Youth Bible we do a comparison of the 4 writers looking at the time period, audience, and theme of each writer. Then we read and evaluate […]