Dear Third Grade Families, Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful week off of school with time to spend among friends and family. As a reminder, this Friday we will have the In-N-Out truck here for lunch. Yum! Math: We continue with measurement, moving on from measuring time to measuring metric units of mass […]
I hope everyone had a nice Easter vacation! This week in grade 4: Math: algebra and operations are continued Spelling: Unit 31 English: We begin the study of pronouns. Social Studies: Week 22, “The Pony Express and Telegraph” A reminder that the list 7 vocabulary test will be given on Thursday, April 18th. Religion: The […]
Dear Second Grade Families, We are back! Hope everyone had a blessed Easter and a great week off spending time with family and friends. We have many things to do as we memorize poems and prepare ourselves for First Reconciliation. Homework: Reading Log, Fluency, Study spelling words for unit 27 on Spelling City and practice […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Here we are in April! I hope all enjoyed a blessed Easter Sunday and the week that followed. This week we will reflect on the Easter candle, a symbol of Jesus being raised to new life. Bringing us to reflect again on forgiveness, connection to His love with joy and hope. Our […]
Dear Parents, April 8, 2013 I hope everyone’s Easter break was enjoyable and relaxing! I certainly enjoyed that extra cup of coffee in the mornings! We jump right back into our work on Monday beginning with our final week of theme 8 in language arts. Our […]
The 8th grade class presented a Living Stations of the Cross today at Sacred Heart Church. The class reenacted the Passion of Christ by acting out each station. The readers explained the event of each station and related the suffering and pain to our lives today. Each actor, reader, and altar server did an amazing […]
Dear Second Grade Families, I can’t believe we are on the first week of our 3rd Trimester! I hope you enjoyed the weather this weekend with your family. Last week, we made some “classmade” lemonade. We are working “How To…” writing using transitional words so the children were able to get some practice telling me […]
Dear Third Grade Families, Congratulations to our class finalists for the annual Palmisano Writing Contest: Nicholas, Amanda, Kaylee, Anthony & Maria. We are all looking forward to hearing the winners announced on Wednesday. Math: This week we will wrap up our study of fractions. We will be focusing on finding equivalent fractions as well as […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Monday is the first day of the third trimester. Time is going by so fast. This is a busy week for our fifth grade class. On Tuesday we will have an assembly to announce to winner of the Palmisano writing contest. Wednesday is a free dress day for a donation of […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, This week the Palmisano contest winners will be announced. Our students at Sacred Heart submit an essay to the Palmisano Family. They will choose three winners; one from each grade level (primary, intermediate, and middle school). All kindergarten students wrote sentences about the importance of SLEs in their relationship with others and […]