Dear Kindergarten Parents,

Here we are in April! I hope all enjoyed a blessed Easter Sunday and the week that followed. This week we will reflect on the Easter candle, a symbol of Jesus being raised to new life. Bringing us to reflect again on forgiveness, connection to His love with joy and hope.

Our field trip to the Channel Islands Museum and Visitor Center is this Thursday. Nice sunny day is in the forecast.  Remember to send a disposable lunch -please no hot lunch on this day-we will not be back in time.

Remember to send in poems for speech contest-practice begins everyday this week. I need a copy to help your child. If you having trouble finding poems –please let me know.

Moving into the third trimester is a time to increase preparation for first grade. Our focus word will be ‘independent’. Something new! Independent morning centers will start at 8:30 and focus on strengths and areas where improvement is needed. Centers will be as independent as children needs designate. As this progresses, your child may be talking about writing, sight word games, and print practice centers. Academic adult led lessons continue in normal rotation at 9:00 and 10:15.

Theme 7 begins in Language Arts, ‘Wheels Go Round’ transportation and movement is the content in stories we read. Comprehension strategy as we listen and read is to organize and summarize.  We will continued focus on short vowels mainly /a/ and /i/. Use of plurals and punctuation as we write and review sight words in sentences.

Math finds us counting coins, using additional games to practice money. We will skip over to chapter 9 for geometry and symmetry as we follow common core standards. Science has us looking at ways to measure weather, water cycle and spring changes. Social Studies begins a unit on our patriotic symbols.

  1. In & Out Burger lunch on Friday-come and have lunch with your student-
  2. Friday is a full day of school with a Family activity in the afternoon.

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Carol Brown
