Dear Kindergarten Parents, December will fly by being a short month with conferences, practicing for the Christmas Program and do not forget Teddy Bear Day. We will be working on several Christmas theme related projects as we read, learn about family traditions past and present and continue with the Bible readings for our class Jesse […]
Week of December 3-7, 2012 Dear Second Grade Families, Thank you to all who volunteered in our primary centers on Friday. Your time in our classroom makes our primary centers fun! Last week, we had Captain Romero come visit our class with a fire truck. The children had a great time learning about firefighters daily […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week we are learning to prepare for Jesus and grow in our relationship with others as this brings us closer to Jesus. I’ll be looking for ‘acts of kindness’ from each student within our class. Ask your student about showing acts of kindness to others and whose day did they brighten? […]
Dear Parents, December 3, 2012 Our reading strategy this week is “evaluate”. Our comprehension skill that can help us evaluate whether we enjoyed a book is “compare/contrast”. Comparing and contrasting or finding ways in which certain things are the same or different can help us […]
This is the time of year when I will frequently stray from our regular academic schedule to make more time for Christmas activities. I absolutely love this season and all that goes with it! I feel very blessed to teach in a Catholic school where I can openly pray with the students every day, and […]
This week the middle school classes began discussions on the Season of Advent. The upcoming Gospel for the First Sunday of Advent in our new liturgical Year focuses on being watchful and awake for the coming of Jesus. The class reflected on new ideas to better prepare themselves for a Christian life during Advent. 7th […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, The World Book Web will be a part of our homework for this week. This is a great resource for your children to get familiar with. We have used it in the lab and will continue to research animals and habitats for our landform project. Continue with previous sight words, testing will […]
The 6th grade class finished studying the first ancient civilizations this week. After the test they each received a piece of clay and using ancient cuneiform and pictographs told a story in their group. The stories focused on nature and the military, two very important factors to ancient Sumerians. The class did a great job […]
Your students are writing a book to celebrate this Year of Faith. It is comprised of their beginning knowledge and understanding of God. We know God’s love is always in our hearts, prayers, through our thoughts and actions, with our continued love and care for others and ourselves. Continue reading to enjoy a few samples […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday and weekend. Today begins the second trimester of our school year!! I cannot believe we’ve been in school 71 days! We have an exciting week ahead of us. Here are a few reminders of activities this week as well as a little change with […]