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January 17-20

Kindergarten By January 17, 2012 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, Thank you parents for making Primary Centers a great day! Your time and prep work was greatly appreciated.  If you need another service hour sheet click here:  2011-2012-Service-Hours-Sheet I have envelopes coming home today for our outreach program, “Hey, Little Ant.” This program cost $7.00, if paying by check, make it out […]


Weekly Newsletter!

1st Grade By January 16, 2012 No Comments

Dear Parents,                                                     January 17, 2012 Thank you to those who were able to help in Primary Centers.  The children (and me too!) enjoy seeing you in our classroom and truly appreciate the help.  I hope that everyone enjoyed the three-day weekend! We are finishing theme 5 in our reading series this week and will continue […]


Called to be a Disciple

8th Grade By January 14, 2012 No Comments

This Sunday is the second Sunday in Ordinary Time and John teaches us about the time when Jesus called upon the first disciples. The 8th grade reflected on how amazing and hard it must have been for the disciples to leave behind their families, job, and homes to follow Jesus. Yet they did this to […]


Fourth Grade Jan. 17

4th Grade By January 13, 2012 No Comments

No school on January 16th as we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King. The big news of the week is our field trip to Rancho Olivas Adobe on Thursday the 19th. There are still a few permission slips and payments that have not yet been returned. The students should wear clothes that are ok to get […]


Homework 1-13-12

Kindergarten By January 12, 2012 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, Homework for this week is listed below. I have reformatted the assignment sheet and logs for easier downloading and printing. Please let me know if you are having trouble printing this week. We are close to the halfway point in school. It is time to use reading tools to build reading skills […]


2nd Grade Newsletter

2nd Grade, Our Students By January 9, 2012 No Comments

Week of January 9-13, 2012 Dear Second Grade Families, Sacrament time is soon approaching.  The Sacrament of Reconciliation for your Sacred Heart School child will be celebrated during the school day.  We will be meeting with our priests soon to set the date.  Information and the dates (for both sacraments) will be sent home soon. […]


weekly newsletter 1/9/12

3rd Grade By January 9, 2012 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Families, As always, this week promises to be a busy one. In Reading, we’ll be working on the comprehension skill “making connections.” We know that reading is thinking and that making connections between ourselves and texts build our understanding of characters and events. In language, we will be moving on to reference […]


January 9-13

Kindergarten By January 9, 2012 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, As we begin another week in January we have two more birthdays to celebrate! Carlos had his birthday last Wednesday, we will catch up and acknowledge his birthday this week. Elizabeth will be six on Thursday, she will be wearing her birthday crown this week as well. Primary Centers is on Friday […]
