Dear Families, The fifth grade class has really been enjoying our work with science experiments. The students are very inquisitive and love the learning process. As the year progresses we are continuing to work on getting organized. We continue to work diligently on outlining and reading for comprehension. Please encourage your child to do their […]
Dear Parents, October 30, 2011 We will be finishing up theme 3 in our reading series this week. Our reading strategy is “questioning”. Before reading a story, we look at the cover, the title and the pictures and make a prediction about what the story will be about. While making our predictions, we ask […]
Dear Second Grade Families, We cannot believe we will be starting November tomorrow! Wow, time flies when you are having academic FUN! It is All Saint’s Day tomorrow. We will be attending mass in the morning. Friday is our Saint’s Day Parade & noon dismissal. Your child will come dressed in their saint costume in […]
Dear Third Grade Families, We will not have homework Monday night, as many students will be out trick-or-treating with family and friends. Happy Halloween! Tuesday morning we will be attending 8:30 mass for All Saint’s Day. As always, parents are welcome. Later on Tuesday, we will take a short quiz in math on money. Students […]
Happy Halloween! Today the fourth graders will be reading their scary Halloween stories to several other grades. They are very excited! We also have our music assembly at 1:45 today. Tomorrow, please join us at 8:30 for the All Saints Mass. Wednesday is the chapter 3 math test. Next Tuesday will be our chapter 3 […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Here we are at the end of October! It is hard to believe your students have been in school over 50 days. I have decided rest time-heads down on towels has reached an ending point. We are resting a different way, I divide the rest time into two 15 minutes sections. We […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We had a busy week! Olivia celebrated her birthday on Monday. We are all set with whom your child will portray in the Saint’s Parade. Parade is next Friday, November 4 at 8:30. Please come with your camera to see and capture this annual event. If you are struggling with costumes, I […]
The Core Leaders asked the teachers for websites that they like to use in their classrooms or that they’d like their students to use. Here are their favorites. Have fun! The Primary Grades (K-4): Middle School (5-8): www.kongregate/ All Grades:
Dear Parents, October 24, 2011 This week, our reading strategy is “predict/infer”. Before reading a story, we look at the cover, the title and the pictures and make educated guesses (or predictions) on what the story will be about. While reading, we use information learned to conclude (or infer) if our prediction is correct or […]
All books are to be read at home. The reports will be written during class time. Please assist your child in managing his or her reading time so the book is completed on time. It is important that students do not wait too late to begin the book! If they rush the reading, their comprehension […]