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Weekly Letter 4/18/11

1st Grade By April 17, 2011 No Comments

Dear Parents,                                                     April 18, 2011 The Jog-a-thon was a great success!  The first graders had fun running, dancing, and eating.  Thank you PTC for such a fun fundraiser! Congratulations to the speech contest semi-finalists:  Sol, Kaylee, Aliyah, Ella, Naomi, Paris, and Matias.  Good Luck! We will spend this short week in review of our spelling […]


Exciting News in First Grade!!

1st Grade By April 14, 2011 No Comments

Science or Language Arts?  We just read a story in our anthology entitled Butterfly, so of course, Mrs. Vasquez came across some caterpillars and brought them into class.  We have been watching them and feeding them.  Yesterday we came in and one had turned into a chrysalis.  Just before P.E. today, we were lucky enough […]


6th Grade Jogathon

6th Grade By April 12, 2011 No Comments

Dear Parents, Many of the 6th graders have not brought back their Jogathon envelopes signed. It is necessary to sign the envelope so that the student can participate in the Jogathon. Please send the envelopes in this week! We are working very hard in all our subjects and looking forward to Easter vacation! Thank you, […]


April 11th-15th

5th Grade By April 12, 2011 No Comments

Dear Families, This is our last full week before Spring Break.  This Friday is our Jog-a-thon.  It is also a noon dismissal.  Please make sure to return the permission slip.  Progress Reports are going home  this week.  Please sign and return by next Tuesday, April 19th.  Our Parent Meeting is this Wednesday at 6:30.  Please […]


April 11 -15

Kindergarten By April 11, 2011 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, This is going to be a beautiful week with much to do! **Progress Reports come home on Tuesday this week. Please return signed by Monday, April 18. **Parent meeting this Wednesday evening in Biedermann Hall  6:30 to 7:30 please plan to attend. **Friday is our annual Jogathon and a noon dismissal. Most […]


Weekly letter 4-11-11

1st Grade By April 10, 2011 No Comments

Dear Parents,                                                     April 11, 2011 We are starting theme 9 in our reading series – Special Friends.  Our reading strategy this week is “monitor/clarify”.  The comprehension skill that will help us with this strategy is noting details.  Using the text, pictures, and paying attention to the “extras” in a story will help us better understand […]


Fourth Grade Week April 11-15

4th Grade By April 10, 2011 No Comments

This week the students will recite their memorized poems in class.  Please make sure your child has a copy of his or her poem.  Each class will choose a few finalists to recite before the judges. All students should be doing some research on the person they chose to represent at our class wax museum. […]



3rd Grade By April 10, 2011 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Families, This is our last full week before spring break and it is a very busy one. On Monday we will begin the classroom speech presentations. Please make sure your child brings in a copy of his/her poem for recitation. 5-6 students will present Monday-Thursday and our five 3rd grade finalists will […]


April 8-14 homework links

Kindergarten By April 8, 2011 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, This week’s  homework consists of 2 worksheets and a reading log. One double sided math sheet and one double sided paper from our practice reading/phonics book. To go along with our goals in these subjects I am encouraging visiting websites that enhance our daily work. By using the sight words found on […]
