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December 13

Kindergarten By December 12, 2010 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, I truly enjoyed talking to all of you during parent conference. Thank you for coming in and discussing your child’s accomplishments through the first trimester. This week will certainly go by quickly as we near our Christmas Vacation. Thursday we will all attend Mass in the morning and have our Christmas party after recess.                                                                                                              Please do […]


12/13/10 Weekly Letter

1st Grade By December 12, 2010 No Comments

Dear Parents,                                                     December 13, 2010 I really enjoyed meeting with all of you during conferences.  Thank you for making the time to meet and discuss your child’s progress. The last week of school for 2010!!  What an exciting week it will be!  We have finished theme 4 in our reading series and will be assessing […]


Rancho Olivas Adobe

4th Grade By December 7, 2010 No Comments

Fourth grade had a great time last week on the field trip to Olivas Adobe.  We have been studying the mission and rancho period of California history, and it was great to experience what life was like during that time.  The students stomped mud to make adobe bricks, ground masa and made tortillas, roped a […]



5th Grade By December 7, 2010 No Comments

Today in Science we learned all about Potato clocks.  The students had a great time learning using, potatoes, pumpkins, apples, salt water, fresh water and coins.   It was great to see and hear the students collaborate, predict, observe and infer what would happen.  It was a great day for science!


Fun Factorials

5th Grade By December 7, 2010 No Comments

This week we had a very special guest speaker, Dr. Steve Hall. Dr. Hall is a college professor who came to our class this week.  He spoke to the students about how important math is and he taught the class a lesson on factorials.  He taught a lesson to his college students about factorials last […]


Week of December 6-10, 2010

2nd Grade By December 6, 2010 No Comments

Dear Second Grade Families, These will be  a very busy week for all primary grades. Second Graders are practicing very hard for the Christmas program (Wednesday, December 15th, 7:00 pm).  A costuming letter should be coming home this week. Our last day before vacation will be Thursday, December 16th. Dismissal will be at 12:00. School […]


Weekly Letter 12/6/10

1st Grade By December 5, 2010 No Comments

Dear Parents,                                                     December 6, 2010 A HUGE “Thank You” to Mr. Sezzi and Mr. Galvan (a parent of a kindergartener, second and fourth grader) for helping in the first grade classroom for Primary Centers.  I could not have done it without you! It is Saint Nicholas Day today and the children have been very good.  […]


December 6

Kindergarten By December 5, 2010 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, We will keep quite busy this second week of Advent. Saint Nicholas’ feast day is today, December 6. He may have visited our classroom…ask to see their paper shoe! Teddy Bear Day is Tuesday. Please bring in a new stuffed animal in support of the Adopt-A-Family program through the Archdiocese in Los Angeles.  Report […]
