Dear Kindergarten Families, Over the weekend and next week read a bit each night. With your child’s library book or a favorite book from home do the book response. Have your child draw and/or write about the character(s) and the setting. You will find the Book Nook response form in your child’s homework folder. In […]
Hello, First Grade Families! It is DECEMBER! This month is full of academics with lots of fun activities on the days leading to Christmas vacation. We made an Advent chain on Monday. It is full of daily activities to remind us of giving to others during the time of year. I hope you enjoy the […]
Hello Second Grade Families, The holidays are upon us! This week we celebrate Teddy Bear Day and begin our school’s non-perishable food drive. I would encourage all to fill those bags up (send home on Tuesday) and drop them off in the red bins in front of the school. Everything collected will go to hungry […]
Third grade families, Welcome December! We have officially begun our second trimester. The second part of this week calls for cold weather and rain! A few important dates: Tuesday, December 3rd– Teddy Bear Day! Please bring in a stuffed animal to donate to Adopt-A-Family Friday, 6th– full day Friday Homework this week- IXL math: B.5, […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving Break. Teddy Bear Day is tomorrow. If you have not already done so please bring in a new stuffed animal. Below please see an overview of our week. Math: We are reviewing partial quotients division. Religion: Our focus this week is the purpose of the Lord’s […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are beginning Unit 5 this week. We will be talking about how to multiply with extended numbers! ELA: -Writing: We are jumping into our next unit of writing – opinion! -Reading: Reading Responses are due this week! Remember 7 sentences now! -Spelling: Our test will be on Thursday this […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Advent is here! A time to wait and to be patient. During Advent we learn how God’s family prepares their hearts in celebration of Jesus’ birthday. We will spend time on the Advent wreath and lighting of the candles. Important events: Tuesday is Teddy Bear Day! Please bring a new stuffed animal […]
Kindergarten kids know it is important to be thankful. Best wishes to your families over this holiday weekend.
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are taking our Unit 4 test this week. ELA: -Writing: We are planning an in class publishing party for this week! -Reading: No Reading Responses are due this week! -Spelling: No test this week! Social Studies:We have begun our third unit: Missions and Mexican Rule. This week we discuss our third […]
Third grade families, A short week up ahead! This week will be spent doing a lot of reviewing, the finishing up of units, and tying up loose ends from the previous weeks. We will spend a lot of this week reflecting on Thanksgiving and all that we are thankful for. Important Dates Wednesday, November 27th– noon […]