HOMEWORK Reading Log: Reading 15-20 minutes a day is part of their daily homework. Find a favorite spot to read. Fluency SIGHT WORDS: Remember to study sight words daily (3-5 minutes a day). Math IXL: B.3 and Q.3 Language IXL: T.1 and E.E. 2 Spelling: Spelling Test will on Friday. A SNEAK PEEK AT OUR […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working on Unit 4. This week we focus on place value within decimals and measuring using the metric system. ELA: -Writing: We are in the editing and revision phase of our realistic fiction writing. We will have an in-class celebration the week of Thanksgiving. -Reading: Our Reading Response […]
Third grade families, We are fast approaching the end of November, which marks the end of the first trimester! Time flies when you’re having fun! Important Dates Wednesday, November 20th– $1 free dress day to support Adopt-A-Family. Also, a lockdown drill this morning! Friday, November 22nd– full day & end of trimester 1 Homework IXL […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, It’s hard to believe that November is more than half way over! This is a full week of school with a full day on Friday. The first trimester ends on Friday. Tuesday an art lesson with Ms Nancy Spooner Wednesday is a free dress to support Adopt-A-Family – please send in a […]
“ It was very cool and awesome, ”says Jeweliana Rodriguez , a second grader who attends Sacred Heart School. It was Monday, September 9 , 2019 a lady dressed as a ladybug arrived to the Sacred Heart School campus. The second grade class was waiting anxiously in the library. Lunch had just ended and it […]
Kindergarten and 5th grade spent some quality time together Friday after Mass. They listened to facts while watching a ‘how to draw’ video. We think their drawings are amazing! St. Pope Paul John II is the Patron Saint of labor. He was canonized by Pope Francis in 2014. School-wide Learning Expectations A. 1 Learn about […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Reading each night is what we do! Your kindergarten kiddos enjoy showing pictures and telling us that good story or interesting information learned as part of homework. It is amazing to see how they have grown since Grandparent’s Day when they proudly shared their book responses to family for the first time. […]
Mr. Hinojosa is a man of many talents. People say someone is “good with their hands” and he is. On Mondays and Wednesdays he is the music teacher and the music minister for Sacred Heart Church on the weekend. This year he added another job. He is the Plant Manager for Sacred Heart Church and […]
That moment when a student realizes that Pythagoras was correct and a squared plus b squared really does equal c squared. Seventh graders have spent the last few days learning a bit about Pythagoras and playing with his famous equation. We found the length of the hypotenuse by calculating the area of triangles and squares […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working on Unit 4. This week we work on adding and subtracting decimals. ELA: -Writing: We are in the editing and revision phase of our realistic fiction writing. We will have an in-class celebration the week of Thanksgiving. -Reading: Our Reading Response Journals are due once each week! […]