Dear Kindergarten Families, Tuesday look for the Family envelope and your child’s mid progress report. Please review and sign; return by Monday, October 14. Monday is vision screening. Picture re-take is on Wednesday. Fall days are here! Weather being cooler, warm and dry is bringing some dryness and the need for chap stick. I am […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We visit the library on Thursday each week. This week we checked out two books, one for home, and one for class. Use the library book and read with your child. Do the simple book response found in your child’s homework folder. In order to check out another book next week, please […]
Yesterday was the Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels. In middle school during religion class we discussed the role and gifts of angels in our lives. Each grade completed an activity after reading about angels in the bible.
This week Dr. Hall came to our fifth grade class and taught us a college lesson. The students loved the lesson. Dr. Hall’s yearly visit is one of the highlights of the fifth grade.
This week in 4th grade we are discussing the ways we seek God’s forgiveness. We wrote the lines of the Act of Contrition on sentence strips and then had to put them in order. The result is a beautiful prayer that reminds us that we are not perfect and must always seek God’s forgiveness and […]
This week in 5th grade we are focusing on the Tweet “Joy multiples when share it”. We discussed how sharing joy brings happiness to all.
Our first Primary Centers! Students in Kinder, First and Second grades enjoyed creating these three crafts: a large apple core, a carefully painted autumn tree, and an apple representing the Holy Trinity. All students worked together and helped their friends. They listened and followed directions to create this beautiful work. We want to express our […]
NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: YIPPEE! It is the week of our field trip. The kids and I are super excited about our pumpkin centered field trip in Santa Paula. We will be taking a hayride and learning about the pumpkin life cycle. Please be sure to send a hat and apply sunscreen before coming to […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are wrapping up Unit 2. This week we are working on subtraction of multidigit numbers. We will be learning about the trade first method and the partial differences method. Please help your child master these subtraction strategies by using them to complete the homework. ELA: -Writing: We are working […]
Dear Families, We had our special guest, Dr. Hall come teach us a college lesson today! The students really enjoyed their visit with him. This Friday is a full day of school. Below please see an overview of our week: ELA: We are linking ideas to build larger theories and interpretations. Math: We will review […]