Third grade families, I cannot believe that we approaching the month of October…time flies when you’re having fun! This week we will be taking a few quizzes and tests as we wrap up units. Conferencing has begun! If you have not yet scheduled a conference with me, please check your email and let me know […]
Once a month each level at SHS mixes up the grades and works on projects. The middle school theme for Friday centers was the environment. During one of the center rotations the group recycled newspaper into baskets, another group played trivia games with science questions, and the last group rotation featured making ocean dioramas. All […]
Hello Kindergarten Families! Feels as Autumn is here. Hoping all enjoyed a cooler weekend. Field trip to UC Hansen Farm is on Thursday. Be sure to ask your child all about it! We enjoyed our first Primary Centers activity and want to thank all who were able to help in class. Look for the beautiful […]
Read nightly and have your child respond to one of their favorite stories. Use the form provided to draw and label one or more of the characters. Great reports are coming in each week! New sorts will come home next week. This week work on the Five Little Ducks rhyme Read each sentence with your […]
The 6th grade continues their study of early humans and the beginnings of civilization. After taking a virtual tour of Lascaux Caves in France, the art teacher had the students tell a story using sandpaper to mimic the rough cave walls. The stories drawn featured hunting parties, building fires, and nature.
NOTE FROM MRS. VAZQUEZ: Hello, Parents! Thank you all for the beautiful flowers, cards, and birthday wishes! This week we have a few fun things planned such as Ms. Spooner Art, Free Dress, and our first Primary Center of the school year! HOMEWORK Homework should take 20-25 minutes daily. Please include the minutes used for […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Friday will be our first Primary Centers for the year! Parents are welcome to earn service hours by volunteering. However, keep in mind that all classroom helpers must be Virtus trained in order to participate. This week in class… Math: We started the week with the Unit 1 test before moving […]
All grades in middle school use the Catholic Youth Bible along with their religion textbook, websites, and handouts to enhance their understanding of our faith and Jesus. The 7th grade is reviewing the layout of the Old Testament and learning the layout of the New Testament. Then we will spend time reading and analyzing many […]
The celebration of the Christian Mystery through Liturgy. One of Kindergarten’s Religion Standards is to understand bowing and genuflecting as important parts of Mass. Here are a few samples of their response to scripture reading:
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are continuing Unit 2. This week we are working on addition of multidigit numbers. We will be learning about the partial sums method as well as the column method. Please help your child master these addition strategies by using them to complete the homework. ELA: -Writing: We are working […]