Thank you for taking time to meet for conferences last week. Your children are doing well; they are enjoying learning in groups /partners as they connect and build their friendships. The first trimester we worked on building a strong community. I feel blessed to be teaching your children. Thank you for choosing Sacred Heart School 🙂
Natalie celebrated her birthday at the end of November; Kamila celebrated last week and Roman will enjoy his birthday this week.
Monday we turn our attention to Mary as we celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our focus on the Holy Family and their journey to Bethlehem will finish the week with religion.
Language arts focus will be on reviewing alphabet – consonants and vowels (both short and long sounds). Sentence structure, spacing, punctuation, sight words and spelling. Our reading workshop time will continue reading with our ‘powers’. Writing workshop focus is with “how to” books.
Math counting and skip counting; games with dominoes and the number grid.
Science continues with the coming season of winter – and how it affects plants and animals.
Social studies – family traditions for Christmas and peoples in other countries.
Return library books this week – we’ll check out books in January.
Please don’t forget to be here at 6:15 on Wednesday night for our Christmas Program. Look for us sitting on the left side of the hall. It will prove to be a great show!
Friday is our Christmas Party – starts at 10:30 we will party on til 12:00.
After our party, Christmas vacation begins! School resumes on Tuesday, January 3. Wishing your families a blessed Christmas and the best for the coming New Year 2017!
Bless your families,
Mrs. Carol Brown