Dear Kindergarten Parents,

Another exciting week in Kindergarten!

Our Lenten Journey continues as we show acts of kindness, growing in our love and learning how important it is to give to those in need. We started seeds on Ash Wednesday, watching them grow helps us to remember to care for our family and friends.  Stations of the Cross on Wednesday at 2:00 — join us if your schedule permits.

We are working hard to build and finish our landform project for the School Fair . Be sure to keep Wednesday, March 6 at 6:30 open on your calendar.

Our class is watching the growth of Lily’s new cubs in the cold winter woods of Minnesota. If you want to check out the site we are watching,  click on Go to the live web cams and to view Lily bear and Jewel bear and their cubs.         

With Dr. Seuss’ birthday coming … we will read, read and read during this coming month of March. On Friday, a school family activity to celebrate  Read Across America.  Our reading strategy is to note the beginning, middle and end of stories as we read. Short vowel sound of /i/ is being worked on along with short /a/. Your children are working to do their best printing on all papers.

Math lessons continue on with measurement. Kindergarten standards focus on non-standard units of measurement. We are using our hands, or cubes, paper clips, etc to measure in class.

This should take us through the week- Friday is a full day –

God Bless your families,

Mrs. Carol Brown
