Dear Kindergarten Parents,

Happy Monday!

A big thank you to all parents who were able to help with Primary Centers on Friday! We are ready for March whether it rains or comes in like a lion or a lamb!

This week will be very busy finishing our land form project and getting ready for the School Fair on Wednesday evening, 6:30 to 8:00.  Please plan to attend!

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and were able to stay warm! This weather fits nicely into our big book reading, All To Build A Snowman. Our strategy for reading will be to summarize; for comprehension, skills to identify story structure and plot. Phonics instruction concentrates on the sound of /k/, reviewing sounds of /f/ and /t/, the short vowel ‘i’, in families ‘it’ and ‘ig’. We will continue to build sentences using sight words and word families. To expand our vocabulary we will use weather action words. Chapter 6 in our Math text will focus on measurement, new vocabulary: longest, tallest, and shortest. We will order and compare objects as well as measure with non-standard units.

**Please send back the blue math vocabulary words-relating to time and calendar.

Catholics believe that each person has a loving heart, we know we are loved by our families, friends, and our church. As we continue with our Family Life series we will discover our heartbeat and how it always works. We note this sign of life as God gave us this gift of life. Click on ‘Family Life’ for a video sample of this series.

Upcoming mission efforts–Donut sales begin today through Friday for $1.00. Donuts will be enjoyed on Tuesday, March 8.

In regards to the change in homework, I have decided to send the packet out each Friday to be returned on Thursday of the following week. This gives families the weekend option and/or doing homework during the week. From the response I have received, I feel this will satisfy the needs of all families.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Mrs. Carol Brown
