Hello Families!
I really enjoyed meeting with all of you to discuss how awesome your children are doing in first grade! Such great growth! Thank you all for coming to meet with me. This week we finished up our unit on camouflage and how animals use it to survive. We also reviewed points on writing sentences with capital letters and end marks. I have begun to make mistakes on my morning notes to encourage them to correct my errors! This week I also brought out our Pop-it Blocks to help us sound out letter sounds and blend them together. First grade loved it!
Last Friday we worked on a STEM activity. Each student used a container of Legos and a base plate to think of something they could design and build. We took photos of their creations and will write sentences about them and discuss them this week. In math, we worked on the “Counting on” strategy. This strategy helps us understand that numbers going up follow a logical sequence. A big help in addition! Have a wonderful week!

Share Days: I sent home share bags with your child’s day on
Halloween Tattoo Sales: Begin Monday! They will be handed
out on Halloween! Costs a dollar and proceeds go to Adopt-
Free Dress: This Friday for $1.00! Proceeds go to Adopt-a-
SHS Harvest Festival: This Friday at 4:30.
