What a wonderful job our first grade saints were on Friday!
We are starting theme 4 in our reading series this week. The theme is “Family & Friends”. Our reading strategy is “summarizing”. After reading a story, we should be able to retell the important parts of the story. While reading, we pay attention to the main idea and the important details in the story and this will help us retell the story. Our comprehension skill this week is “drawing conclusions”. While reading, we pay attention to what is happening in the story not only for summarizing but also for drawing conclusions. Thinking critically, and being able to conclude or make a true generalization from a story will help us become good, strategic readers. Our phonics focus this week is words with ‘l’ clusters. We will also review contractions with ‘s, consonant ‘r’ clusters and short /o/ words in our reading. Our grammar focus continues to be on the naming and action parts of sentences. This week, our spelling words are from unit 14 – clusters with ‘l’. We will have our Chapter 3 test in Math on Tuesday. In religion, we will return our focus on what makes us children of God. In social studies this week and next, we will continue learning about the Native Americans, the Pilgrims and Colonial Settlers.
Please remind your child to bring their library book to school on Tuesday so that they may check out a new one.
Water bottle sales continue on Tuesday and Thursday. Thank you for your support!
We do not have school on Friday, as it is Veterans’ Day. Thursday is a full day.
It is All About…Nathan H this week! Congratulations!
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Have a wonderful week!
~Miss. Manning