First Grade Families,

It’s our last week together in 2020! I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We continue our 12 Days of Christmas activities planned by our 8th graders this week (Wed: 2:15, Thurs. 9:20). This Friday is a minimum day (11:45) and begin our Christmas Break.

Homework: None

Fluency will begin in January. I will add fluency homework in their binders this week so they can have it ready to go in January.

Things to Review this week and you can review during our break:

MATH:  Skip counting and reviewing number grid (Take a look at their math book to review math concepts). We are half way through unit 3.

READING:  These are all the skills we have worked on the last two weeks: Learning Good Reading Habits such as Sneak Peek, Check Sneak Peek, Do something after you read, Read more and more, read smoothly (not bumpy)… As you read, remember to ask questions to check for understanding.

WRITING:  During your vacation, involve your child in cooking or following steps to make something. This will help them get ideas for writing HOW TO BOOKS. Example: How to make cookies, How to brush your teeth, How to wrap a present… The more they verbalize steps the easier it will be to write them.

SPELLING/WORD SORT:  Look in their planner for the spelling words. We will keep the same words for the first week back. . I will be sending everything PDF if your child needs a change.  Sorts for the first week should be in their Word Work section in their binder.

RELIGION: We continue our third week of Advent. 


*Friday, December 18th:  11:45 a.m. dismissal. FREE, FREE Festive dress on Friday.

*Students can leave their backpacks at home on Friday. They will be taking their lap desk home on Friday for a good cleaning before returning in January.

Please take the break time to look through their backpack to clean it out. Make sure they have working headphones, crayons, pencils, etc. I will be sending an email before starting in person in January.

Reminder: We will begin in January as ZOOMIES!

Any questions, please send me an email.

Mrs. Vazquez
