
  • Reading Log: Read 20 min. a day (at least 5 times a week)
  • Practice new word sort. Go over word patterns with your child. (Test will be on Monday). A reminder that test day may change due to extra time needed to review sort. 
  • Fluency: I have sent all students their new fluency packets today. Please look in their binder. Fluency should be done at least 4 times a week. This helps tremendously with fluency and sight words. 
  • Math IXL: H.2, J.1 and V.1
  • Don’t forget to practice those sight words. Testing will begin on Wednesday.

Sneak Peek To Our Academic Week

MATH:  We are working on using the signs <,> or =. We have worked on finding out how much money does he have and how much more? Look on page 92 in your child’s math book. This is a hard concept to grasp so please practice at home.

What to review in math:

* identify value of coins (dime/nickel/penny/quarter) DDNP=26 cents QP=26 cents

*Telling time to the hour and half hour.

*greater/less than and equal to

*writing numbers to 120

*simple addition & subtraction to 20 (7+3/6+5/10-3/13-5/10+10/20-12)

READING/PHONICS:  We completed our 5 Missions!!!!! We continue learning reading strategies.

Use Snap Words to Read:

  • Read words you know in a snap! (sight words)
  • Read the words you know and thhink “What would make sense here?”
  • Does this remind me of another work I know?
  • Turn new words into snap words (learn a new sight word)
  • Scoop up words to make your reading smooth

 Our phonics unit will focus on being word detectives even with isolated words (sight words) not just reading. 

The CASE of the silent E:

  • The e is at the end of the workd.
  • The e doesn’t make a sound.
  • It changes the a to a long sound: tap—–tape
  • Watch out for works like have/love/come

Writing: We have started our persuasive writing. We are thinking about ways to solve problems at school, at home, or in our world. We can make a poster/write a letter/write about it to make a change. We have identified problems so now we will begin writing reasons or ways to make the change (WHY?).

Here are a few topics we plan to write about:

*paper towels should be placed in the trash can/make your bed/clean your room/don’t litter/walk to the restroom

SPELLING/WORD SORT:  Look in their planner for the spelling words. Spelling test on Tuesday.  Have them say it and lay it for you.  We will begin using Kids A-Z (mvazquez113) to practice spelling words since spelling city has merged with Learning A-Z. Students are learning how to switch over from reading to vocabulary!

Students will receive Secret Agent Pens to use to practice spelling their words! It’s amazing how a pen can have them practice their words without complaints.

RELIGION: Lent Vocabulary: Fasting, Prayer, Almsgiving / Good Samaritan/Jesus teaches us to love others/Jesus as our Good Shepherd


Please make sure you look at our school website for any school activities or assemblies. 

*Friday, March 12th: 11:45 dismissal and Assembly at 1:45.

The jacket was found! Thank you for checking at home.

Please send me an email with an emoji or say hello so I can add a sparkler to the bucket. 

If you have any questions, please send me an email. 

Mrs. Vazquez
