Dear Kindergarten Families,

Back after our Easter break and doing our best in the last trimester! Monday we watched and learned about the total solar eclipse through the livestream at NASA. Since we were not in the path to see the total coverage of the sun, we still were able to get a look via local websites as the moon took what looked like a ‘bite’ of the sun!

Religion – the season of Easter, Jesus the Giver of Life and His teachings after the Resurrection.

Non-fiction and fiction reading. We are working hard on beginning and ending sounds. Some fun as we teach our friends with step by step, how to books!

Math finds us reviewing addition and subtraction facts to and within ten. The number line that was sent home before Easter is a great tool to work with for home practice.

Science / Social Studies – planting seeds – animals in spring -a lab on building a small raft for a sink and float activity. We will begin a unit on our National Symbols.


I sent home a book report form. This is worth 15 points! Have your children do their very best. Staring with neatly printing their name, labeling the picture of the story, best drawing and coloring of the beginning, middle and end of story (back of form).

R.5 write addition sentences for pictures up to 10

X.2 write subtraction sentences for word problems

BB. 1 Read along about science and nature

Homework book form is due next Tuesday, April 16. IXL work is for practice, work at a pace that is comfortable at home. It is not due by Tuesday. We do part of this in class.

Reminders: This Friday is a 2:00 dismissal. Primary Centers is next Friday and a noon dismissal.

Have an amazing week!

Mrs. Brown
