Here we go the last few days of May! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4-day weekend. This week will be a busy one as we get ready for June.
Our religion focus will be joy and happiness. We will discuss how caring and helping others is a great source of joy in our lives. We’ll look back and list how God brings much joy to our lives.
ELA: As we read together, a review of all vowels and consonant sounds. CVC words and sight words for reading in our leveled books. As we listen to our last couple of read aloud stories, we’ll be looking for the ‘plot’ as a comprehension strategy.
EM: Clocks – time in hours and a look at minutes. Reviewing numbers, counting coins and paper money, number grid puzzle, and place value.
Science: lab – the life cycle of a frog.
Social studies- Memorial Day
Wednesday is a Jogathon free dress day!
Andrea’s birthday on Thursday, May 29.
Students will attend Mass on Friday with their school families at 8:30.
Friday is a full day dismissal at 2:45 –
God bless your families.
Mrs. Carol Brown