Dear Kindergarten Families,

As we work through October the pace is picking up!  We will  learn to pray the Rosary, continue with daily academics, enjoy an art lesson, music, and create a few Halloween related crafts.

Something that needs our attention: please add your child’s name to all jackets, sweat shirts, sweaters, water bottles, and etc. We have had a few sweatshirts lost-but found as the name was labeled inside the clothing. Also all school sweaters must have our school logo.

Our dress code: Shoes that have Velcro to fasten are fine for kindergartners, wear tie shoes if your child knows how to tie,  school color socks, bows and hair ties follow the school colors as well.

Tuesday we have another art lesson, directed by Nancy Spooner!

Friday is a full day of school- dismissal at 2:45



Religion – continuing learning about saints and the praying the Rosary.

ELA- our picture words sorts continue with rhyming, letter/sound practice, Reading and Writing workshops, reading old favorites, consonants and vowels, writing letters to represent words, looking for and writing sight words, and as always using good letter formation.

Math – counting by 5s and 10s, learning to recognize two digit numbers on the number grid, printing using  correct number formation.

Science – our vegetable garden has sprouted little green sugar snap peas, radish, and bean seeds. We’ll be sure to take good care of our new little plants. Fits well with our science unit as we learn about growing plants and noting their parts.

Enjoy your week!

Mrs. Carol Brown
