Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are continuing to work on Unit 6 this week. We will be working on angles and degrees this week! ELA: -Writing: We are working on forming ideas and opinions that matter to us. -Reading: Reading Responses are due each week. This week we look at fiction texts. Remember to […]
Third grade families, Happy February! Our days together are flying by as we continue to work hard and learn everyday! Important dates Wednesday, Feb 5th– $1 free dress day for Australian fire relief efforts Friday, Feb 7th– full day Friday & used uniform sale at 2p! Homework this week IXL math: CC.6, CC.10, J.4 Fluency 100 min reading/READO […]
Dear Families, Wednesday is a free dress day for a $1 or more donation. This Friday is a full day with a 2:45 dismissal. There will be a used uniform sale in the library at 2pm. Please see below on overview of our week: Math: We will practice renaming fractions as decimals and rounding decimals. […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, A new month begins! Our focal point for the week will be to learn about the deep love Jesus has for us. Scripture: Jesus says “Love one another as I love you.” based on John 13:34. SLE A. 4 Make good choices like Jesus will be a writing response we base on […]
As part of the registration for Kindergarten each year, we hold short Kindergarten Interviews. SHS staff members meet with a group of young students as they talk, listen, share, and play. Family members spend time together as well, learning more about Sacred Heart School. In the week following, registration is completed for the 2020-2021 school […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, In your child’s homework folder you will find our Promise Weekly leaflet and a book response form. Many have a library book, if not please read together a favorite book from home and respond with the form “I think you should read this book…” Please read each night, looking for snap words […]
Sixth grade is studying plate tectonics and this week we made a model of one of the 5 physical layers of the Earth. It is a solid but acts as a liquid…it is our asthenosphere and in lab we made oobleck to help us learn about this unique layer of the Earth. Seventh grade is […]
HOMEWORK Fluency Math Worksheets: We will be taking our math test next week on Thursday. Please review the worksheet behind the book report for next week’s test. Reading Log: No reading log this week but students should read throughout the week. Students are still required to do a book report. Sight Words: Study daily for […]
Dear Families, It was wonderful seeing so many families at Parent Day. This week is Catholic Schools Week. Tuesday is staff appreciation day. Wednesday is student appreciation day and free dress for students. For student appreciation we will not have any homework this week. Mrs. Benner will be providing lunch for all on Wednesday. This […]
Last Fall, Sacred Heart School started a service project known as “Save a Cap– Save a Life” to help pay for the cancer treatment for a little girl in Mexico. Fortunately, we not only helped pay for one child, but for two other children, too! We collected over 60,000 bottle caps before we stopped collecting […]