On March 19, the feast day of Saint Joseph, Mary Palmisano and two of her daughters, Teresa Palmisano and Marguerite Leon, came to a special school assembly to speak on behalf of their family to announce the winners of a month’s tuition for one student from the primary and intermediate levels, and two winners from […]
The 6th grade class is preparing for a fabulous day at the Getty Villa in Malibu next week. We are studying the different types of ancient artifacts on display and recreating some items during art class. Each student chose a vase on display at the Getty and using their Kindles drew the vase and wrote […]
Dear Second Grade Parents, I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday at 1:00. Last week, I sent home a letter regarding our Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion. I also posted the letter in our Newsletter last week. If you are not able to attend our blessed day, please send me an email. Reminders: […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, Happy St. Patrick’s Day! This week we’ll be studying the following: Math: The class will begin Unit 7 (a follow-up to our previous unit on multiplication) covering lessons 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4. As always, I would encourage you to follow along with us by completing the “Home Links” at www.everydaymathonline.com. […]
Dear Families, Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Today is the first day of the third trimester. We have Free Dress on Wednesday for a $1.00 donation. Stations of the Cross will be on Tuesday at 2pm. Please join us if your schedule allows. This Friday is a noon dismissal and school wide centers. Below is an […]
Our recess & lunch trash container numbers remain low this school year as we use one large recycling container and need only one regular trash container. Please remember all snacks and lunches are brought to school in lunch containers, not paper or plastic bags. This assists our recycling efforts and maintains a healthier environment for […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis cursus dignissim purus, sit amet egestas enim. Mauris mollis lacinia massa eu imperdiet. Praesent quam urna, facilisis nec facilisis sit amet, facilisis ut enim. Aliquam nisi leo, imperdiet sed rhoncus non, tristique vel tortor. Nullam placerat blandit massa, a pellentesque tortor lacinia non. Pellentesque dignissim fringilla lectus, ut vestibulum tellus pellentesque ac.
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Monday starts the third trimester-I am proud of the strides your children have made through the second trimester. Report cards coming home next Tuesday. Tuesday we will attend the Stations of the Cross at 2:00 – please join us if your schedule permits. Wednesday is a free dress […]
Dear Parents, March 18, 2014 We are starting theme 8 in our reading series – Our Earth. Our reading strategy this week is “summarizing”. The comprehension skill that will help with summarizing is categorizing or classifying. Paying attention to what is the same or different in the stories […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Another great week of book reports! Continue to read and list books on reading log. I have had a few questions about the ‘shamrock’ print out. We display this shamrock in class it is for reading a book or two in addition to the daily 20 minutes of reading. Your child will […]