Dearest Third Grade Families, This week we will be hosting a team of principles and teachers from fellow southern California Catholic schools as our school is evaluated for accreditation. We look forward to welcoming our visitors and showing them just how great a place Sacred Heart is! This week we’ll be studying the following: Math: […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Our weather has finally changed! Sunday we were graced with this beautiful rainbow. This week we need to return the ‘Mathematics at Home’ book 2 for a sticker. Book 3 will be coming home on Tuesday. Book 3 begins this week and should be returned on April 11. A big thank you […]
Dear Parents, February 3, 2014 Can you believe it is February?! My it is going to be summer before we know it! We had a wonderful Catholic Schools Week. A big “Thank you!” to all who showed support this week and especially to our 8th grade leaders for making this past week truly enjoyable and […]
Our labs continue with H2O. Tuesday we observed water in 3 states. Noting how it can change from one form to another. observation clip: H2O as a gas
Our class returned to the Science Lab this week to continue our work with surface tension. The students demonstrated the surface tension of water and how it is stronger than that of rubbing alcohol.
The 8th grade class read the upcoming Gospel for Sunday. The Gospel comes from Luke and discusses the presentation of the child Jesus in the temple. A man at the temple tells Mary and Joseph about salvation that will come through Jesus. The class reflected on how they can help out their own families through […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Last week the book reports were amazing! We will enjoy reading each one in class. Thank you for guidance and support. Required homework: Please download, print and return Thursday, February 6: World of Animals Reading/Web Log Required math links: ixl math (Counting numbers beyond 30 E.1) review I.9 and I.10 Everyday Math […]
Following the recent celebration of the 100th day of school and the receipt of progress reports for the second trimester, please consider your family’s progress in the completion of service hours and the purchasing of scrip. As part of tuition, every family needs to average 6 service hours and about $120 in scrip “profit” each […]
Please remember to use the car line to drop students off from your car in the morning. If you use the lot behind the rectory, please park and walk your student(s) onto the campus. There is too much traffic flowing along Biedermann Way for cars to stop and students to be walking unescorted. Thank you!
Dear Second Grade Families, Parent’s day was a great success!!! I enjoyed watching all of you interact with your child. This week we continue celebrating Catholics School’s Week with faculty/staff appreciation day on Tuesday. On Wednesday, your child will have lunch provided by Ms. Benner and may wear free dress. We look forward to an […]