We are off to a great start in fourth grade! This year we are very fortunate to have Mrs. Hernandez and Mr. Doswell in charge of our science labs. On Tuesday, the students will add living things to their terrarium ecosystems as we explore life science. We continue to work on place value and rounding […]
In a constant effort to maintain safety, we encourage all to enter, move through, and exit the parking lot slowly. Those selecting the car line, add to safety & efficiency by moving as far forward as possible before stopping to allow students(s) to exit or enter the car. Arriving students have three corridors to the […]
Thursday afternoon, football players gathered on the field for the first practice of the 2012 season. Coaches Martin & Eddie return for another season of SHS football! Our returning 7th & 8th grade athletes are joined by a large group of 6th grade athletes to round out the 2012 Cardinal squad. Go Cardinals!
We ask that only adult members of the family attend as we start in Biedermann Hall to introduce the faculty & PTC Board members. Middle School families will remain in The Hall for a single 20 minute presentation by the three MS teachers and Kindergarten-5th grade family members will move to the classrooms for one […]
We look forward to sharing the morning with many welcome guests! We invite all to join us at the 8:30 Mass. Please wait at church for the classes to arrive and the teachers will assist in getting family & friends together. The PTC will host a reception in Biedermann Hall following the Mass and at […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Homework is posted Friday, due on Thursday the following week. Please print out reading/web log, math and language arts worksheets. Look for a RED Homework folder coming home on Monday. Send back all papers on Thursday in this folder. Reading / Web Log Language Arts Read nightly and record books on reading/web […]
Every Thursday the 8th grade class will read and discuss the upcoming Sunday Gospel. this Sunday is the twenty first Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Gospel focused on attaining Eternal Life. The class discussed how hard it is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus everyday. Yet they realized they need to do this in […]
Middle school students are excited about science! Our lab today was to determine which soda was diet and which was regular from two samples- without tasting! We are learning about the scientific method; asking questions, stating a hypothesis, observing, testing, analyzing and reporting our data. Today we had an introductory lab in which we practiced […]
Amazing things are growing in the Kindergarten backyard! Your kindergarten students made quite a discovery during lunch on Monday. Now only 3 days later we do not need the magnifying lenses to see tiny Monarch caterpillars! Monarch larvae appear to feed exclusively on milkweed plants.
Every Tuesday, the Family Envelope is sent home as another communication tool with our families. As you can see from the two already received, the Family Envelope carries a weekly letter from Mrs. Benner, scrip, hot lunch, PTC information and much more! We need help each Tuesday afternoon with getting all of this information into […]