Dear Kindergarten Parents, Homework for this week will be shortened as I appreciate all the great work your children are doing. This goes right along with Catholic Schools Week! In your child’s red homework folder, you will find a booklet from our reading series, Go, Cat! Have your child read this book to you, helping […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Catholic Schools Week is this week. Thank you to all who attended Parents Day on Friday and the Open House on Sunday. There are many activities planned for this week for your student. Monday…SLE Bingo sponsored by 8th grade Tuesday…Staff Appreciation Day, Wednesday…Student Appreciation Day, free dress and no home Work! […]
Dear Third Grade Families, It was a pleasure seeing so many parents here Friday morning. What a great way to kick off Catholic Schools Week! This week we have many activities and happenings including Teacher Appreciation Day (Tues.), Student Appreciation Day (Wed.) & Parish Appreciation Day (Thurs.) followed by a mini field day on Friday […]
Dear Families, Thank you to everyone who was able to visit with us on Friday. The students enjoyed our time together. Everyone did a great job on the fire drill! Also, it was so nice to see some of you at our Open House. It was great to see all the students helping out and […]
This week, January 30th, we begin discussing the fifth commandment, “You shall not kill.” These discussions are based on the fact that all life is precious. Today we talked about how much each and every one of us is so very loved by God. We discussed how important it is to take care of ourselves […]
The 6th grade has finished studying Ancient Egypt. We learned about their class structure, daily life, and culture. The class was very enthusiastic during the lessons. One of our favorite activities was viewing CA Streaming video clips on each pharaoh. As part of their final assessment, each student created a pyramid.
Dear Parents, January 30, 2012 Thank you to all the parents for supporting our school and visiting with us on Friday. I hope you enjoyed your visit to our classroom and I know the students were very excited to show you our “word work time” and our favorite math game. We are starting theme 6 […]
Happy Catholic Schools Week to all! This is always an exciting week for students and staff. Tuesday is staff appreciation day so we are treated to a special lunch! Wednesday our students are appreciated with free dress, hamburgers and treats for lunch, and no homework! Thursday we will give special gifts and cards to our […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Thank you for coming to Parent’s Day. It worked out well and we all enjoyed your company and help with our math centers. As promised only two sheets homework — print practice and number formation. Please read nightly, print out reading/web log, listing books read and sites visited. Book-It document for February […]
On the fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time the Sunday Gospel focuses on Jesus casting out a demon while he was preaching. The eighth graders discussed how to use their authority and leadership for the good of all people. They also discussed choosing the right new friends in high school.