Both teams completed regular season play and now prepare for post season. While we await news on the volleyball tournament scheduling, we have the football tournament first round set. SHS MS Boys Football plays in the first round on Wednesday, November 30 at 3:30p with HOME field advantage. We expect news on the volleyball tournament […]
The 7th grade class is finishing their study of Islam. We learned about the 5 Pillars and compared how some of their practices are similar to Christianity. The class also read about how the religion expanded and the many art forms that were influenced by their use of arabesques and patterns. Next we are learning […]
Dear Families, Hard to believe Thanksgiving is just around the corner! We have so much to be thankful for. I count my blessings everyday I teach your children. 🙂 Days ahead: Primary Centers is Friday with a noon dismissal. Next Tuesday is the last day of this first trimester. Academics: Understanding God’s love for us […]
The 8th grade continues the tradition of completing a research report on a favorite saint and then presenting the information to the different grades. Their drawings are so beautiful and powerful of each saint and their reports are very interesting. The 7th grade is working on saint superhero posters and 6th grade is creating Buncees […]
Dear Families, This Friday is a noon dismissal. As we look forward to next week Tuesday is the end of the first trimester. We begin our Thanksgiving holiday on Wednesday. I hope everyone has a wonderful break. Below is an overview of our week. Religion: I will explain the role of the Magisterium. Math: We […]
Hi there 4th Grade families! Hope your week is off to a great start. Important Dates: Homework: Our Week: Let’s have a great week! Ms. Schmaeling
Week of November 14th Hello First Grade Families!   A busy next few weeks are upon us!  Housekeeping items! 1. We are soaking up the warm sun when it peeks out! Please have your child wear their Sacred Heart jackets and beanies to keep them warm! Mark their name in them too! 2. Please bring a […]
As the holiday shopping is underway, please gather non-perishable, non-breakable items for donation to the Sacred Heart Church Food Pantry. Red bins will be along both car lines Monday-Friday, December 5-10, ready to receive bags of food to share with those in our area who need help this year. All students are given a bag […]
August 24, the first day of school, started the first trimester and we are in the final days as we share energy and effort with students, families, and staff for a strong finish. The last day of this trimester is Tuesday, November 22 and as we leave school, we begin time with family for Thanksgiving. […]
Third grade families, I hope you are all staying warm in this rainy weather! A lot happening this short week of school… Important Dates Weekly Homework (Due November 15th) Sneak Peek to our Academic Week math: This week we continue with multiplication and division by exploring with equal groups and arrays. We are focusing on […]