Dear Families, This is a short week for us as Friday is Veterans Day. Please enjoy your long weekend. Since we will not be at school on Friday we will be going to mass on Thursday. Please feel free to join us if your schedule allows. We continue to sell water bottles on Tuesdays and […]
Dear Third Grade Families, What a beautiful Saints Parade this past Friday! Congratulations to the many third grade siblings who participated in the morning’s events. Our class greatly enjoyed watching, learning and cheering on our primary friends. This week we will continue our study of time in math. We will focus on telling time to […]
Following an in-service to improve our abilities to use the website, a plan for the fall schedule of classroom observations was prepared. The observation focus for primary grades will be in Reading, intermediate on Social Studies, and in middle school any lesson based on non-fiction reading. This first round of classroom observations will be completed […]
8th grade students have been researching background information on their science fair topics and are preparing to write an informative paper.
Dear Parents, November 6, 2011 What a wonderful job our first grade saints were on Friday! We are starting theme 4 in our reading series this week. The theme is […]
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Over the weekend many Sacred Heart teachers attended a great science conference at Oxnard College. The speakers were wonderful and I return to school today with some new ideas and a lot of fabulous science books for the students. One is titled, What Happens When I Throw Up! I know these books will be a […]
Kindergarten, First & Second Grade students, their families, and teachers spent much time preparing for this year’s longstanding Sacred Heart School tradition. With each student dressed as a saint, the kindergarten, first, and second grade students entered the church with Father Cyprian & the altar servers and sat in the first pews throughout the Mass. […]
On Wednesday the 6th grade was treated to a feast of food from the Middle East. We are studying the importance of the Agricultural Revolution. Mrs. Schott and Mrs. Hoffman discussed the agriculture industry in Ventura and the variety of foods from the Cradle of Civilization, modern day Turkey and Iraq. They tried two different […]
This Sunday is the thirty second Sunday in Ordinary Time. The reading we focused on this week is the Gospel from All Saints Day, the Beatitudes. The discussion revolved on how we can enact the Beatitudes in our everyday life. We formed small groups and each group applied a Beatitude to everyday situations. They showed […]