Dear Third Grade Families, I can’t believe we’re already into our first week of school! It has been a joy getting to know your children and I think we have a very good year ahead of us. Today we took home our first Homework assignments. In your child’s homework folder, you found a reading log […]
Dear Second Grade Families, We had a good start to the school year in second grade. In addition to the introduction to the classroom routines, we had a get together with our seventh grade buddies and then attended Mass together on Friday, as we will do on all Fridays. This week we will be getting […]
On Thursday the 8th grade class used their new youth Bibles for the first Gospel Thursday class. This Sunday is the 21st Sunday in ordinary time and the Gospel focused on Saint Peter being the rock of the Church. The students discussed the meaning of Jesus’s words regarding our actions on earth being bound in […]
Yesterday all three middle school classes viewed a video on safety in the science lab. Each student has a list of guidelines attached to a contract, which needs to be signed by both student and parent/guardian and returned to school by next Monday. Next Tuesday we will have a test on lab safety and students […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We are off to a great start! The morning routine is making progress. Your children are learning class rules, making good choices and knowing how to treat their classmates with respect. Today we had rotating group activities as well a visit to the computer lab. A short project with our fifth grade […]
Your PTC Board would like to welcome you to another amazing year here at Sacred Heart School! We hope that our fellow families had a wonderful summer vacation filled with laughter, relaxation, and great memories. This month we look forward to our PTC Potluck held on Friday, August 26th at 5p.m. followed by our Back […]
Welcome back, eighth graders/class of 2012! I hope all of you had a great summer break. We are looking forward to a great year and I know that you will contribute much enthusiasm and many new ideas. The Core Leaders met with the middle school teachers today and are ready to welcome all SHS students […]
Wednesday, August 17, 2011 Dear Second Grade Families, WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL!!! A few Program Notes for “Opening Day” Dismissal for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week will be at 12:00 noon. No lunches will be needed except for those going to EDC, but students may bring snacks, (healthy snacks please). Next week is […]
Welcome to the third grade! This is your child’s first year in the Intermediate grades and as I’m sure you’ll see, there is much to look forward to. Before Back-to-School night, I just wanted to fill you in on some basics: Homework goes out in a packet every Monday and is due every Friday. The […]
We look forward to seeing everyone on campus Wednesday morning by 7:50a as we begin our school year with an assembly. We will welcome our new and returning students and introduce our 2011-2012 staff. All classes will dismiss at noon and EDC will open for students who will be staying in the afternoon. We hope […]