Hello Families- Fall is in full swing in our room! Last week we worked on: Reading: During our whole group reading time, we began to read nonfiction passages about bats and the seasons. During our small groups, we continued learning to sound out the middle and ending sounds of words. Science: Using what we know about birds and apples to […]
The 8th Grade calls for a Free Dress Day with all involved donating $1 or more! All may wear casual, comfortable free dress choices rather than their school uniforms and donations of a dollar or more are welcome. All funds raised will be sent to assist parishes and schools that need help following the recent […]
The 7th grade had a wonderful field trip to the Getty Villa last week. We are finishing our studies of the Roman Empire. To conclude the studies, small groups of students completed dioramas, plays, Jeopardy games, Kahoot, and a video on the Fall of Rome. We learned about their daily life, military, building skills, entertainment, […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Happy October! We sure enjoyed Primary Centers on Friday! Nice projects came home on Friday and a few more will come home on Tuesday. Thank you parents who were able to come and help. We appreciate it. Next Primary Center is October 28. Look for my calendar coming home this week. Upcoming […]
Happy Monday Giacolone Families! Last week was an exciting week with lots of different apple activities! We had Apple Day in class on Thursday…we made applesauce, we filled out a data sheet about our own apples, made predictions, counted how many seeds were in each apple after they were cut in half, and some of […]
Hello 4th Grade Families, and hello October! Please remind students to have their kindles charged and ready to go in their backpacks each day. We are using our kindles in class everyday so it’s important they are prepped! 🙂 Here’s a look at our week and upcoming events: Important Dates: Tuesday, October 4: Art Wednesday, October […]
Hello Families! Last week we had an exciting week that was filled with joyful learning! We wrapped up our month long apple theme by making applesauce, reading all about apples, and attending a virtual field trip to an apple orchard. We also used graphic organizers during our writing time about what apples look like, […]
Dear Families, This Wednesday is Picture Day we will be taking individual pictures and a class picture. October 12th is our first Free Dress Day for a $1 donation. Funds raised will go towards Hurricane Relief. Below please see an overview of our week. Religion: We are focusing on the five basic forms of prayer. […]
Third grade families, Happy October! Time is flying by! Important Dates Tuesday, October 4: Art & trip to the library! Wednesday, October 5: Picture Day! Friday, October 7: 2p dismissal Monday, October 10: No School- Parish & School Staff Retreat Weekly Homework (Due October 11th) IXL math:—B.2 Place Value Names Up to Thousands—Q.2 Make the […]
Friday morning, September 30, this year’s series of Primary Centers begins. Each First, Second, and Kindergarten student is placed in a group and these groups travel around the Kindergarten, First, and Second grade classrooms to participate in three activities. Family members may volunteer to work in one of the three classrooms; this is a great […]