The 6th grade is studying Ancient Assyrian and Babylonian Empires. The kings and queens created cylinders to seal their important documents with wax. The cylinders featured animals, chariots, and gods designed by artisans in the empire. They also created a form of writing called cuneiform to keep track of trade. The students created a seal […]
First Grade Families- Thank you to all who attended our Saint Parade last week! You all did such a wonderful job with their costumes. Weekly Homework Homework due EVERY Tuesday except for next week. Please turn in homework on Wednesday. Reading Challenge: Read 20 minutes a day. Last acorn reading challenge this week. Upon our […]
HOMEWORK Fluency – Please read the fluency passage and answer the questions on the back. This should be completed over the course of 4 days. Reading Log – Please read a minimum of 20 minutes daily with the goal of having read 100 minutes for the week. Please have your child write the title(s) of […]
Kindergarten Families! One of my favorite events here at our school, is the Saint’s Parade. All the little saints looked fantastic in their costumes and did a great job on the reports. We are learning about everyone’s Saint as well as several others. Weekly Academics As we grow in Jesus’ love we give thanks for […]
Third grade families, One more full week before our Thanksgiving break! We will spend this week working hard and learning hard, too! 🙂 Important Dates Thursday, November 18: Library! Friday, November 19: 2p Dismissal Weekly Homework (Due November 23rd) IXL math:—E.4 Relate Addition & Multiplication for Equal Groups—F.3 Multiply by 2—J.1 Divide by 1 Fluency […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working on Unit 3! This week we look at number stories and parentheses in number sentences. ELA: -Writing: We are wrapping up our writing. We are putting the final edits on our work before we publish our stories. -Reading: We are continuing with our reading lessons. Remember to […]
In its 31st year, The Archdiocese of Los Angeles Adopt a Family program assists families in need, and this year asks schools and parishes to make donations of grocery gift cards. If you would like to participate, please purchase from our scrip program. Please review the flyer to note the four ways cards can be […]
HOMEWORK No fluency or IXL homework this week. Reading – read 20 minutes daily for a minimum of 100 minutes for the week. Record the book titles and the number of minutes read on the reading log. ACADEMICS Reading: Becoming Expert Readers of Nonfiction Books – We are noticing that even after taking a sneak […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are continuing with Unit 3! This week we look at more multiplication! ELA: -Writing: We are continuing with our writing. We are in the middle of revisions. -Reading: We are continuing with our reading lessons. Remember to keep up with our Reading Response Journals! If you have any questions […]
Third grade families, A short but productive week! This weekend we take the time to thank and honor the veterans who have served our country. Important Dates Wednesday, November 10: 12p dismissal Thursday, November 11: No School-Veterans Day! Friday, November 12: No School-School Holiday! Weekly Homework NO IXL NO fluency 60 minutes of reading (20 […]