We have a four-day week and then a four-day weekend in honor of Memorial Day. We remember with gratitude and prayers all those who have given their lives in defense of our country. ACADEMICS Religion: We are taking a tour of the Liturgical Calendar and seasons of the church. No Quiz this week Spelling: New […]
The 7th grade class is learning all about the class structure, warriors, religion and hard work of the Aztecs. We created Aztec shields with designs that reflect the Aztec culture. First the Mayans, then the Aztecs and next we will travel to Peru to find out about the Inca’s!
Coach Sofer is called away this week. The tournament is moved to next week. For three days, MS students compete in our Annual Knockout Tournament led by Coach Sofer. Following the First and Second Rounds on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Finals take place on Thursday. Other MS students and those in Kindergarten-5th grade enjoy watching […]
I look forward to seeing many families on Thursday for In N Out! Thank you for helping out in our school fundraiser. Homework Reading Log: Read 20 min. a day (at least 5 times a week) Practice new word sort. Go over word patterns with your child. A reminder that test day may change due to […]
It’s hard to believe we only have a few weeks left! Here’s what we are working on in second grade: HOMEWORK Math IXL Skills: V.3 and V.4 Language Arts Skill: JJ.1 Fluency Wk 28 – This should be completed over the course of 4 days. Reading Log Wk 28 – Please read a minimum of […]
The 6th grade has been studying the Ancient Greeks. We learned about their geography, architecture, gods, and wars. Each student designed a pot to reflect a scene from Ancient Greece. The last part of our lessons will focus on their lasting contributions.
Third grade families, We are soaking up our last few weeks together! Important Dates Wednesday, May 19: Free, free dress in celebration of our Jog-A-Thon success! Thursday, May 20: In-N-Out & frozen dessert day! Yum, hope to see you there! Thursday, May 20: NO PE Friday, May 21: School families & 11:45a dismissal Weekly Homework […]
Many have completed their pre-order forms to have In’N’Out burgers, chips, a drink, and selected frozen dessert choices for lunch on Thursday, May 20. Please remember nothing is available for purchase on Thursday; both In’N’Out and the frozen desserts are on campus in numbers ordered on Monday afternoon, May 17. Please note…this is a fundraiser […]
Thursday: In ‘N Out Truck on Campus Friday: School Families activity Reminders: School begins at 8:15; students are considered tardy if not in class when the bell rings. Please sign and return your child’s progress report if you have not done so already. ACADEMICS Religion: Unit 5 test on Wednesday. We will spend the week […]