Our recess & lunch trash container numbers shifted greatly in the last year as we now have one very full recycling container and one very full regular trash container each school day. Please enhance our efforts to recycle by remembering that all snacks and lunches are brought to school in lunch containers, not paper or plastic bags. This not only assists our recycling efforts, but maintains a healthier environment for everyone’s food as well. Using items inside the lunch container that can be washed and used repeatedly helps to reduce the amount of regular trash too.

SLE A3 suggests that SHS graduates will be maturing Catholics as they, “Live their faith by identifying and responding to the needs of self and others.” The last section of our Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs) suggest that as socially maturing individuals, SHS graduates:

1. Accept and respect all of God’s gifts.

2. Assume responsibility for their words and actions.

3. Show respect and concern for self and others.

4. Develop strategies for dealing with opportunities and challenges.

5. Demonstrate leadership qualities.

Our effort to recycle at school, at home, and in our communities helps our students to grow as Christians and as individuals while protecting God’s beautiful Earth.
