We had a fantastic turn out at the School Fair! Thank you for supporting this event! The students were thrilled to see our community come together before their very eyes and we hope you enjoyed it just as much! In addition, a big “Thank you!” to the parents who volunteered for Primary Centers on Friday!
We are starting theme 8 in our reading series – Our Earth. Our reading strategy this week is “summarizing”. The comprehension skill that will help with summarizing is categorizing or classifying. Paying attention to what is the same or different in the stories we read can help us better understand the stories. Our grammar focus this week is action words (verbs) and our phonics focus this week is the action word endings, -s, -ed, and -ing. Our spelling words this week are from unit 33 and have the ending –ed. The words are posted to spellingcity.com. Don’t forget to play the games and take practice tests!
Math finds us working on fact families and reviewing the correct operation symbol within our math problems. We will finish the week with our Chapter 6 test.
In religion, we are continuing to discuss how we can show love to others. As we continue through the season of Lent, we will focus on acts of kindness both in school and at home.
We will wrap up our social studies test and introduce our new unit on “My World, Near and Far”. In science we will take a quick break from the weather to have a special video-conference on Wednesday about mammals. We will be preparing for our discussion by reviewing what we have previously learned about animals, their habitats and their needs.
- Water sales continue on Tuesday and Thursday- $1. Thank you for supporting!
- Please remind your child to bring their library book to school on Tuesday so that they may check out another.
- Wednesday is Stations of the Cross at 2pm.
- There is an assembly on Thursday at 11am.
- Friday marks the end of the second trimester… only one more to go!!
- Friday is a full day!
Have a wonderful week. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
Miss. Manning