Dear third grade families,

It was a pleasure meeting so many grandparents on Friday. The third grade had a lot of fun making family trees that will be displayed in our classroom this week. I also took pictures of students with their grandparents. You can look forward to these when I send home the family trees.

This week we will wrap up our math chapter on place value with a review on Wednesday followed by a test on Thursday morning. The test will cover place value up to the hundred-thousands as well as estimating and exact numbers, and finally some pattern recognition.

Accelerated Math continues as well. Just as a reminder, each student is to turn in his or her completed Accelerated Math a minimum of two times each week in order to receive full credit on the homework.

We will also have our second religion quiz on Thursday. Students will be encouraged to take home their religion books on Tuesday and Wednesday evening to review.

Wednesday is picture day. Students are to wear their uniforms for pictures in the morning.

Please remind your child that Thursday will be our new library day. Students who plan to check out a new book should bring their SHS library books from last week in order to turn them in.

Finally, don’t forget that Friday is a full day with 2:45 dismissal.


Mrs. Espinosa
