I hope you are all as excited about this week as I am. First Reconciliation will be on Wednesday, April 17th. Our class will walk over to church at 12:50 to begin promptly at 1:00. You will be sitting with your child so please meet us in church. We have free dress on Wednesday($1.00) .I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday. If you have any questions please send me an email.
Here is a look at our week:
Homework: Reading Log (sent home) Common Core Homework…Please sign and return permission slip that is in the Tuesday folder for the Ojai Storytelling. Please return ASAP.
Religion: Preparing for First Reconciliation…Practicing our prayer, “Act of Contrition”, Tour the confessional rooms & begin Unit 4 Eucharist
Math: 2 step word problems with money, addition and subtraction practice with and without regrouping, numbers and patterns to 1,000 (<, >,=, missing numbers), fractions (1/2, one half, ¾ three fourths).
Language Arts:
Reading: We will conclude Jalapeno Bagels this week. The children will review story elements. Our class read aloud will be, Freckle Juice by Judy Blume.
Writing: We will finish writing a summary. Our focus will be capitalization and punctuation.
Spelling/Phonics/Grammar: We are on Unit 28 in our spelling. The spelling pattern is “or” as in born & force. We will continue looking at word endings in –le. We will review nouns & verbs. Our new part of speech will be adjectives.
Art: Heart pendant for Reconciliation
Science: Review Magnets and begin Sound
Social Studies: Where does Food Come From?
Dates to Remember:
4/17 Reconciliation at 1p.m. We will meet in church at 12:50.
4/17 Free Dress ($1 or more)…”Nice” Free Dress bc/ of our special day.
4/19 Primary Centers and Noon Dismissal
Mrs. Vazquez