Third grade families,

Our last week together before a nice Christmas break!

Important Dates

  • Friday, December 18: 11:45a dismissal and free, free dress! (no need to bring $1 donation)

Weekly Homework

–100 minutes of reading only
–no IXL
–no fluency

Sneak Peek to our Academic Week

math: We continue on with unit 4, working hard with our multiplication and division! This week we will work with multiplication and division fact families, as well as continue with using arrays to multiply.

reading: This week we continue on with our biography reading, learning new ways to tackle tricky words and understand their meanings!

writing: As we continue with our new writing unit–informational, we will use this week to brainstorm several different ways that we can organize the information that we want to write about. We will structure our subtopics as we do this!

word work: Spelling words can be found in your child’s planner and on No spelling test this week.

religion: We continue to prepare our heart’s for baby Jesus’ arrival. This week we will focus on the third week of Advent virtue–Joy.

Have a great week! I wish you all a wonderful and blessed Christmas!

Miss Poindexter
