Dear Parents, May 13, 2012 Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you all enjoyed your Mother’s Day gift and card! We are continuing on with Theme 10. Our reading strategy this week is summarizing. The comprehension skill that will help us with this is […]
Dear Parents, May 7, 2012 We have concluded theme 9 and are moving right into our last theme- Theme 10! Our reading strategy this week is predict/infer. The comprehension skill that will help us with this is […]
Dear Parents, April 30, 2012 Thank you to all the parents who supported and participated in the Jog-A-Thon on Friday! It was a fantastic success and the students had “The BEST day ever!” (or so they told me!) […]
Dear Parents, April 23, 2012 Our reading strategy this week is evaluating. The comprehension skill that will help us with evaluating is story structure. Knowing the setting, the characters, the problem, and solution in the story and being able […]
Dear Parents, April 16, 2012 I hope that all of you had a very wonderful Easter vacation and a well-deserved rest! We are starting theme 9 in our reading series – Special Friends. Our reading strategy this week is “monitor/clarify”. The comprehension skill that will […]
Dear Parents, April 2, 2012 We will spend this short week in review of our past theme and spelling words. However, we will continue work on our writer’s workshop on why school is […]
Dear Parents, March 26, 2012 Our reading strategy this week is “predicting/inferring”. The comprehension skill that will help us with inferring is drawing conclusions. Using the text, pictures, and our own prior knowledge will help us draw conclusions when we […]
Dear Parents, March 19, 2012 It is a brand new trimester and it is the last one before summer! Woo-hoo! We are beginning to prepare ourselves for second grade! I am adding a […]
Step 1: Read and Finish a Book! Step 2: Record the title of your book on a separate piece of paper. Step 3: Bring it in the following morning. Step 4: Miss Manning will record your name on a red ticket and send it to the office. Step 5: Your ticket will be added to […]
Dear Parents, March 12, 2012 We had a fantastic turn out at the School Fair! Thank you for supporting this event! The students were thrilled to see our community come together before their very eyes and we hope you enjoyed it just as much! In addition, a big “Thank you!” to the parents who volunteered […]