Hello Second Grade Families, We are really getting into the swing of things now, working to build stamina and momentum as we begin to establish our daily classroom routines. This week we will have our first homework assignment due too. All of the online summer homework should be complete by Wednesday. Starting next week, students […]
Third grade families, I still cannot believe we have reached our final week of third grade. Thank you to all of the third grade families for such a blessed and wonderful year. Each child has shown so much progress since our first day together and I couldn’t be any more proud of them all. Thank […]
Dearest Second Grade Families, We made it! Summer vacation is (almost) here! There will be many special events taking place, as this is the last week of school. Below you will find a short outline: Wednesday: We will be attending 8:30 mass followed by our annual end-of-year awards ceremony for the departing 8th graders in […]
Third grade families, I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and spent it relaxing with family and friends. As we wrap up these final two weeks together, please keep a look out for our school calendar to get all the insight on upcoming end of school year events! Important Dates: Thursday, May 30this the […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and sunshine. These next two weeks will be busy as we wind down the school year. Keep your eye on the school calendar for special days and events (especially next week). In class, I am pleased to announce that we are […]
Third grade families, A short week, but of course, still hard at work! We are approaching our last weeks together. During this time, we are doing a lot of assessing and reviewing. As a reminder, please consistently check our school website for information regarding our last week of school activities! Important dates: NO school this […]
Hello Second Grade Families, We are in the home stretch with even more special events on the way. Stay tuned and keep your eye on the school calendar. Math: We will continue Unit 9: Measurement with work on finding the perimeter of polygons. After that, we’ll start planning summer road trips with a lesson on […]
Third grade families, I hope our third grade moms enjoyed a relaxing Mother’s Day! We are so thankful for all of our wonderful moms (and dads!), and your continuous love and support! It was also so great seeing so many of you at our jog-a-thon! Thank you for participating and making it a great event.We […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Monday’s field trip was a hit! The students had great fun outside exploring on the farm and, despite the rain, we were all able to come back with our arms full of freshly picked produce. As the week continues, we have many more special events and activities to look forward to: […]
Third grade families, Welcome back!! I hope you had a wonderful Easter Break. The kids came back refreshed and ready to work hard as we finish up our third grade year together! We have a lot of fun events coming up this month, so please keep a lookout for any important dates! Important dates: Thursday, […]