Third grade families, We are in the Christmas spirit! This week we will be completing some fun Christmas themed math and ELA assignments! Cooler weather has arrived, please make sure to send your children to school with sweaters and jackets, with their names clearly marked. We have a little over a week left before we […]
Third grade families, We have reached December! We have lot of exciting things coming up! Important Dates: 12/5: Teddy Bear Day! Fr. Terry will be coming to our campus to collect all of our donated stuffed animals and will take them over to our Adopt-A-Family friends! If you have not yet brought one, please bring […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Happy December! Now we’re really getting into the holiday spirit! This week and last, the students have been preparing for the upcoming Christmas program (mark your calendars for the evening of Tuesday, December 18th with a showtime of 6:00). Scripts will be sent home today so that your child may practice […]
Third grade families, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We have begun our second trimester of third grade, and with that brings a lot of new things, too! We have welcomed five new third grade friends into our class: Aaron, Andrew, Elena, Emma, and Isabella! We are so happy and excited to have […]
Hello Second Grade Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday among family and friends. We are truly blessed to be with one another. This week marks the beginning of trimester two and with that comes many new chapters and units. Read below to see what we are up to. Math: In math, we continue […]
Third grade families, Happy Thanksgiving to all! During this time, and always, I am so thankful for this wonderful class of kiddos and their families! I look forward to spending my days with them and watching them grow and learn everyday! Thank you. Important dates: Wednesday, 11/20 is a half-day. No school Thursday or Friday! […]
Hello Second Grade Families, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Many thanks for being such a great class. It is a pleasure working with you each and every day. Teddy Bear Day is just around the corner. Try and bring in a new teddy bear any time between now and December 5th. All will be donated to families participating […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Thanksgiving is just around the corner and with that comes the end of the first trimester. Time flies!!! This week and next will be focused on tying up loose ends, finishing chapters and assessing to set goals for trimester two. Here we go! Math: Tuesday was all about group problem solving […]
Third grade families, I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend! A shorter week, and with Thanksgiving up ahead, we have a lot planned. 🙂 Important dates: Tomorrow, 11/14 is the LAST day to pre-order Thanksgiving donuts. They will be delivered to us on Friday, 11/16. Thursday, 11/15 is library day. Friday, 11/16 is a […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Happy Veteran’s Day! As a reminder, school will not be in session on Monday in observance of the holiday. In these next couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, our school will be selling donuts as a fundraiser for the LA Archdiocese Adopt-a-Family program. Presales have begun and will continue up to November […]