Today we spent time showing our homework book responses and told why we liked the book. They had great recall from their own drawings. Please if you need to write the title do so, but don’t write about the story for them. They did very well and were proud of their work. Pictures can tell […]
Hello Kindergarten Families! Your children are adjusting to school well and building stamina. It is nice to see friendships starting to form as we work and play together. This week we have a noon dismissal on Friday to start the 3-day weekend for Labor Day. Looking ahead – Friday, September 6 is Grandparent’s Day. Please […]
Reading each night is quality time spent with your child. Listening to stories read from parents or family members helps children to succeed by increasing vocabulary, develop language skills, exercises brain activity, helps with concentration, develops imagination and creativity and the list goes on. Such a great habit to have! click here for more info […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, It looks as supplies are in and we are ready to begin our week! We will take plenty of time with routine and play. This week we will be in school all day! Dismissal at 2:45 all week. Some of your children may need to attend EDC, please talk with your child […]
Last Thursday we attended Mass on the feast of the Assumption of Mary. On Friday we spent time with our fifth grade buddies working together reflecting on what we know, wonder and learned about our Blessed Mother. Please click ‘continue reading’ to preview samples of their work. “I wonder how old Mary was when she […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Tomorrow is our first day! Hooray! This is the beginning of a wonderful year. I hope to meet everyone again in the morning. School begins at 7:50 and ends at 12:00 this week. We have a short assembly first after the bell rings at 7:50. We line up in the courtyard, look […]
Dear Kindergarten families, It has really been a great year! I have enjoyed our class each and every day with your amazing children. 🙂 It is hard to believe it’s our last week of school! Continue reading to and with your child as the lazy days of summer begin! Practice word families, sight words, re-read […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Here we are back from a long weekend! Hope everyone enjoyed your time with family and friends! This is a short week with a noon dismissal on Friday. Monday, June 3 is Family Field Day! Your children will write a sentence or two letting all families know what color they will need […]
Dear Kindergarten families, We have a short 3 day week ahead, with a long Memorial Day weekend starting Thursday. The Parish Picnic is on Monday, May 27 all are invited to come join the fun! Please bring a side dish to share. This week we continue to focus on Mary and praying the Rosary. A […]
May is Mary’s month. In class we are praying to our Blessed Mother. Your children are learning the Rosary. Here is a look at some of their thoughts on prayer. We have an open space to add other places where we can pray!