Dear Kindergarten Families, Here we go the last week of March! In honor of Dr. Seuss we have spent more time in reading groups, listening to stories, working on rhymes, and noting story components to promote comprehension. Read Across America is finishing up for March…. this does not mean we stop reading!! Continue with nightly […]
This week Kindergarten enjoyed skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s on the calculators. We used ten frames to find sums to 10 and teen numbers.
This second week of Lent brings our focus to the life of Jesus, from birth to His death on the cross. On Friday we will attend Mass at 8:30 and the Stations of the Cross at 11:00. Dismissal is at 12:00 this Friday. If you can come join us, please do! Language Arts lessons continue […]
Spending time together reading and practicing math skills is a good way to understand skills and concepts we are working on in class. Use a good book to show what is learned from the key details read in the text or story. A sight word coloring paper will also be included for this week. Ixl […]
The Second Trimester Progress Reports will be in your child’s gold folder as we begin this week. Please sign and return envelope by Friday, March 15. RAYS program envelope for “Hey Little Ant” is due this week, outreach program is next Wednesday. Lent is a time for us to grow in God’s love. We pray […]
Reading in a darken area using a flash light or finger light is a good way to keep up the reading habit! Find ways to enjoy curling up with a good book. This week we begin a new reading response form. Look for “Key Details” in the HW folder. We are drawing and/or writing with […]
Kindergarten students are learning how to conduct surveys and graph the results. In small groups we visited third grade, fifth grade and sixth grade classrooms with simple survey questions. We found some interesting results! The questions asked in 3rd grade: favorite color red or blue? Do you like camping at the beach or the mountains? […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This week we begin the third trimester of school. Amazing how time flies when you are having fun!! Your children are doing a great job. We had fun Friday for centers and the beginning of Read Across America. Thank you Eighth Graders for that special treat honoring Dr. Seuss’ birthday! Lent begins […]
Dear Kindergarten families, In honor of Dr. Seuss let’s do a lot of reading this month! Choose one book to report on. The book responses from last were better than ever! Your children are doing a fantastic job. 🙂 Look for the math worksheets and the book response form in your child’s red folder. This […]
Dear Kindergarten families, A little late in publishing …. amazing it is the last day of February! This Friday is Primary Centers and a half day. If you completed the Virtus Training and would like to help on Friday please let me know. Our religion lessons follow last weeks standard explaining forgiveness and what it […]