Dear Families, Here we are starting the third trimester! Your children have worked hard throughout the second trimester and it shows! Look for the Progress Reports in the Red Family envelope coming next Tuesday. Hope all enjoyed the craft projects from Primary Centers and a big thank you to parents who were able to volunteer. […]
Dear Families, Your children are doing a great job thinking and helping others, we are adding to our intentions as we start the day, giving deeper thought and prayer to the people of our world. We will attend the Stations of the Cross on Wednesday afternoon at 1:50, join us if you can! Academics Language […]
Dear Families, Last harvest from our backyard garden yielded 61 peas! The Snow Peas are crunchy, sweet and delicious. A good healthy snack and fun to watch grow. Tomorrow we will go out and pick again. We are enjoying measuring growth, estimating the harvest, snacking and writing in our journal. On another note our homework […]
Wishing to all a blessed Lenten season. Our religion lessons will follow the 40 day journey. Next week we attend the Stations of the Cross. If your schedule permits, please join us next Wednesday afternoon at 1:50. We had a very Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you for all the treats, cards, flowers and love! Great […]
Dear Kindergarten families, It is amazing we have been in school 100 days! Your children are truly 100 days brighter! We had 100 reasons to celebrate today 🙂 Lots of counting, exercising and sharing. The hundred day bags will go back home tomorrow. Thank you to all our parents who helped prepare at home and […]
Dear Families, Happy Catholic Schools Week! Daily we pray for our families, school, friends and others in our community. This week we focus on the love in our heart and how Jesus taught us to care for others. Hearts are good! Help others this week by sending in non-perishable food items and warm wear. Your […]
Dear Kindergarten families, Your students are doing a great job in class and with their homework! Endangered animals will be big part of learning about mortality as we continue to learn responsibility for God’s creation. Endangered animals will be our focus for religion, science, reading and writing as we continue to research this important topic. […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, It was nice visiting with families last week for conference. Back to full days and on with the goals for this trimester! This week we review the main events in the life of Jesus, the Magi and an introduction to the Holy Trinity. A unit on nouns, continued letter/sounds, simple sentences and […]
Advent we wait to celebrate the coming of Jesus…may you all rejoice in the miracle and gift of our Lord. Your children are uncovering the meaning of hope, peace, joy and love through their actions and daily work. Look for their Advent booklet. It is beautiful! We are blessed as the eighth grade students come […]
Advent and the coming of Christ! The first candle is Hope. We will find the meaning of each candle during the next couple weeks. December Saints are a focus as with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception December 8. Families are always welcome to join us for Friday Mass at 8:30. Look for Progress Reports […]